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-3rd Pov-

Y/n was seen in the Rumi's bed as she was seen stretching her back and then took a pill. Y/n began to wake up and look over to her.

(Picture up above)

Y/n:Hey Rumi.

Rumi:Hey there Sexy.

Y/n:Sorry I could only go a few more times last night.

Rumi:Hey it's okay. You were still recovering and being able to do that eight times is pretty impressive for someone your age. Still thanks for last night I really needed that.

Y/n:No problem. So does that make you my girlfriend too?

Rumi:Yeah it definitely does.

She said and kissed him. It was quick but it was still loving.

Rumi:Make sure Noelle takes one of these.

Y/n:Yeah sure thing.

He went to her room and gave her one of the pills.

Y/n:How are you feeling?

Noelle:Still a bit tender but other than that fine. But.....

Y/n:What's wrong?

Noelle:I can barely feel my legs. They're like jelly.

Y/n:Well take it easy we have the rest of the week before going back to U.A. I'll make breakfast for us.

He said going to her kitchen and preparing breakfast. Rumi came and kissed his cheek.

Rumi:It smells good. What are you making?

Y/n:Some eggs and bacon for us.

Rumi:Well I can't wait to try your cooking.

She said and after their breakfast Y/n went to rest. Slowly he could feel himself being dragged down into sleepiness as he had passed out. He then went to his world where he saw his Devils there.

Y/n:Here again?

Lucifero:Hey there Y/n good job with the villain. You've come along very far.

Y/n:Thanks I was able to recover more quickly because of the Devil blood I received from Liebe.

Liebe:Yeah that's the upside of Being a Devil. You can recover quick. So you are finally able to shape the Anti-magic.

Y/n:Yeah though it put a huge strain I n my body I can do it now. I just need more practice.

Megicula:You also used a curse using the grimoire as well. That's where the best curses are.

Naamah:I actually had my doubts but in the end you managed to come out on top.

Lilith:Though you did need help from other people. You couldn't do it alone.

Y/n:Yeah I did. But they improved as well.

Lilith:Though you didn't improve using our powers you only did it with yours.

Y/n:Tsk. Why do you always got to talk down to me Lilith?

Lilith:Because....You are the reason he died.


Liebe:Lilith that's enough!

Lilith:Shut up Liebe! You even knew and you still hate him for it don't you?

Liebe:No I care for him. You should to he wouldn't want us to hold onto this!

Y/n:What are you talking about?

Lilith:You don't even remember do you? The reason your father died! The reason our father died!

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