Tournament pt2

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Y/n had made it to her room where Uraraka was there up and mobile.


Uraraka:O-Oh hey Y/n-

She was stopped when he kissed her.

Y/n:That was an amazing battle. You were so cool out there.

He said as she looked down as tears streamed down her face.

Uraraka:Y/n......Thank you! But I'm sorry I couldn't win like you wanted me to.

Y/n:Ochako I just wanted you to do your best not win. And you did just that but if you really feel that way. Let's make a promise.

He said holding out his pinky.

Uraraka:A promise?

Y/n:Yeah. Promise me that you'll keep training and getting stronger. And I'll promise that I'll keep getting stronger as well.


She said and asked to be alone for a bit as the next round of the Sports festival was beginning. It was Noelle vs. Sakura. And while the intermission was going on people went to go talk to others.

Noelle:This is going to be a tough fight.

Mimosa:Don't worry Noelle you can do it!

Noelle:Thanks but by water couldn't break her ice.

Y/n:But now you have that drilling lance that can pierce through her ice.

Noelle:Yeah but maintaining that takes some stamina. But not as much as my ultimate move.

Y/n:The wait until you get close to use it. She could freeze your water if she had enough time.

Noelle:Right well I'd better get going.

Y/n:Yeah good luck.

He said hugging her as she hugged back.


She said and left the room as Mimosa looked a bit down.

Y/n:Mimosa are you okay?

Mimosa:Y-Yeah I'm okay

Y/n:Come on now I can tell when you're lying. Are you worried about Noelle?

Mimosa:Yeah but something else has been bothering me. It's my feelings about you.

Y/n:I think I know what you mean. You care about me but more than just a friend huh?

Mimosa:Y-Yeah but I know you're with someone else and-

She was cut off by Y/n pulling her into a hug.

Y/n:I feel the same way about you. Izumi said that I can date other girls as well. If you want to date me too then.

Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she hugged him back.

Mimosa:Okay I'll be your girlfriend too!

She said they went to watch the battle going on.

Present Mic:Now we're onto the next battle with Noelle Silva and Sakura Todoroki! These two have shows amazing strength with their quirks but let's see who will come out on top!

He said as the two were in the circle.

Noelle:I need to atleast get her out of the ring. But if I use my water on her then she won't be able to use her ice then. But if she uses her fire she might get the upperhand!

Sakura:She's powerful that much I know. She's skilled in offense and defense. If I get hit with her water it'll bring my temperature down if I use moms side. That means....

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