Gally Imagine

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CHOOSE your fate,
To be the person that always says
"Nahh, I'm just Fwends With Himm"
So choose your
Good Luck :)
If your the 1 that says ( lol ur the "one"... ha ha get it cuz... you noe.... and all...... ARGH SHUCK IT.) Nahh I'm just Fwendds with him then thiss is 4 u :)

    "I'm -- WE'RE just friends Shuckle Heads." I exclaimed, holding my guilt.
    "PSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Minho said, sassing mostly.... If thats even a word in the Glad..... "As if I ever belive you Y/N..... And really, Shuckle Head? Is that suppose be a new slang?"
    "I know I'm suppose to hate Gally and all but, from what I see.... He always acts all BUFF AND ALLLL!" Thomas Screamed, making Ben slap him on the back.9
     I laughed, and hit the three boys with the nearest thing i could grab, a shucking dead body of course.... Nah, A pillow that looks like its in a shape of a fishn don't even know if thats possible.
    "Meanie." Minho Said, I scoffed at the same time. This is why Minho was my best friend, I could sass with him whenever. Thomas was because I could give him advise on Teresahh c: And Ben is my partner for running the maze.
    "Who said she wasn't one." Ben replied, rasing an eyebrow to Thomas who currently was starrin' at Minho's beautiful face.
    I ignored Ben's comment and went up to Gally whom was by the kitchen, talkin' with Winston.
    "Goodluck with her, lover boy." Winston said, winking as he skipped of to the Homestead. I was left dumbfounded, but noticing Gally face lit up as he saw me next to him. I doubt he even knew i was next to him..... Arse?
    "Oh, err hay Y/N." He said, straching his head. "I was wonderring If I could talk to you?"
    "Sure, and by the way, Horses eat hay." I said, smiling slightly. He chuckled, and thats all he could do.


Gally quickly pulled me to a quiter and unseen place where DUH, NO ONE COULD BE SEEN. He held my hands in his, making him blush pure red.
    "Look I've been wanting to get this off my chest but I hope you understand," He said, face gettin' redder. "But I liked you for a while and now I.... I think I like - Like Yo- Youu....."
    A smile crept up from my cheecks, pulling him in for a hug.
    "I kinda like you too and ermm...."
    "Yeah, Y/N?"
    "Will you be my Valentine?" I asked, Jocking i didn't but I asked him if he let go of me, cause i was nearly dieing from his minty, soapy smell of freshiee soap :)


QOTD - What kind of smell do you like?
me : Lol i know my answer is weird and all but.... I like the smell of rain. And Candies, somethin' being in a BBQ kinda way. .... god i feel weird noee.


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