Thomas Imagine

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Seeing Thomas getting under WICKED's control made me think that there was no hope left. I know who it felt to be controled, even if it means to kill someone that you were really close with. Before meeting Thomas at WICKED, I was on full control. They made me kill my brother. Thinking that they could lie to me, Ratface - Known as Ratman - told me that he had the Flare and it was for his own good.

"Thomas, whats wrong?" Minho asked, glancing back at me. "I can't.... Let you.... Do this...." Thomas said, standing up from his chair, moving towards the door."His Under Control of WICKED! Fight it Thomas!" Minho, tackled him down to the ground but Thomas managed to punch Minho in the jaw. Making him spit blood out of his mouth. Thomas then headed to the kitchen, grabing a sharp knife and aiming it at me.

"Thomas, just put the knife down." I said, slowly walking towards him. "I can't... let you.... Do this..." Thomas said before I aproched him quickly. He cut my hand with the knife, and the cut was deep. Without a care I tackled him down with my bloody left hand and Minho held his legs. We both could hear him screaming, just like when someone was stung by a Griever. "In here, quickly!" The doctor, Hans shouted, leading me and Minho to a dark room with atleast one or two lamps on. "Brenda, help me with his right hand, we have to carry him there." I said lifting my bloody hand off Thomas "Okay." She replied. We had managed to carry Thomas to the bed. Ropes around his wrists and legs so that he couldn't struggle when the doctor needed to put the sleeping injection in him.

"Y/N, you okay?" Minho asked, taking a seat next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine....Just a Little cut, no big deal." "A little cut? That cut is deep, here." "Where did you get this bandages from?" "Doctor, remember?" "Oh.... Ow, hey be careful with that." I last said to Minho. Closing my eyes, trying my best to make the pain go away. Letting the darkness take over me.

Thomas's Point Of View

I blinked my eyes a few times before I sat into a sitting position. "Had a nice sleep?" Minho said, not noticing that he was sitting next to me on the wooden chair. "Yeah, he got it out?" I asked. Minho just gave me a simple nod and stared at Y/N. She was curled up in a the connor. Sobbing quietly, with her left hand bandaged up. "Wha-" "You cut her, deeply. And now she's shucked up, you scared the living hell out of her." Minho said as I got out of bed and approched the sobbing girl.

"Glad to see your fine, slinthead." She said as I walked towards her. "Sorry for the cut..." "Its fine."

"No, its not. How can anyone cut a pretty girl like you? That's just plain shuck." "You think I'm pretty?" Y/N asked turning her head at me. She giggled to seeing me blush for the first time. "I-" she was wanting to say something but I smashed my lips into hers. She kissed me back. "Like you too." I replied, pulling her in for a hug.

A/N : Sorry haven't been writing 4 awhile... but anyway hope you liked it, sorry it sucks. And as I always say, STAY AWESOME AOTICS :) ✌

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