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A/N: Hey Aotics, hope you like this. Plz remember to leave a Like and Comment. Requests are ipen so Plz. And don't forget to follow :) Thanks and Stay Awesome Aotics ✌Hope you enjoy that youtube video :) Up there

Thomas - You were stuck in the maze, two grievers on your tail. You were suppose to get out of the maze five minutes ago, but the grievers managed to cut you left leg pretty good. And the doors of the maze were closed, leaving you in the maze for a night. You fell to your thoughts in your mind saying that you will get out, safely in time for you to see Thomas, the new greenie. You liked him, and he liked you. Both agreed on being the best of friends, or even more. One of the grievers eventually caught up with you, and towered over you as you tried you best to move away. But with your leg problem, it seems to be useless. The griever took hold of yours arms and so that you couldn't move and then it -

"Y/N, WAKE UP!!" It over, you get waken up by the screams of Thomas. You were sweating, T-shirt wet and hands in a 'Fist' position. "You okay? You look like you had a bad dream...." Thomas asked, deadly worried about you. You nodded back at him, without saying a word. Starring blankly at him, Thomas asked, "About what?" You replied to him in short sentences, almost tearing up.

"That will never happen to you, I promiss. And no matter what, I'll stay with you untill I die." Thomas last said before giving you a light kiss and pulling you close to his chest, you fell asleep to his embrace.

Newt - Your boyfriend was in the maze longer than before. He should have come back by now. And as all the other Gladers had said, no one survives a night in the maze. "NEWT!!" Someone shouted your boyfriend's name. Turing you head towards the doors of the Maze, you saw Newt. Being chased by a griever. He eventually fell over a rock and started to moving back quickly before the griever devours your boyfriend. " NO!! NEWT!!" You screamed as the foors of the maze closed.

"Y/N, GET UP PLEASE!" Newt exclaimed, shaking you hardly, trying his best to get your attention. "Calm down, its just a Shucking dream." Newt said as he held your hands tightly. You seemed to have notice that you were kicking the pillows and blankets around. You quuckly pulled Newt in for a hug making you tear up abit, and said "Don't leave me...." "I would never do that." Newt replied to you smiling as he kissed you fore head. "Can you guys shucking shut up? We're trying to sleep." Minho said putting yes pillow over his head.

Minho - He was right, you should have never gone into the maze today. Your boyfriend, Minho, warned you and told you that it would be better for you to become a med-Jack. You were lost and stuck in the maze, you accidently droped your notes for seeing a griever. Suddenly, you hear the sound of a griever. It was right behind you, dripping its goo on your shoulder. Slowly, you turned around and see a huge griver. It made you trip and and fall with its leg and then it -

"Y/N! WAKE UP PLEASE, IT JUST ME!" You woke up to the screaming of your boyfriend, Minho. He wad trying his best to hush your sobs about the dream you had just now. "Its alright, I'm here. Shhh....." He said, hugging and rubbing you back, pulling you close to his chest. You manged to sleep in his embreace while you had another dream. But this one was you and Minho, having a nice time together alone in the field.

A/N : Awwww, I like Minho's.... Okay maybe all of them.... So proud. :P

Hey, now don't worry but the next one will have Alby, Gally and Ben in it :3 Alright, you just have to wait. But yeah, please vote, comment and follow. Remember, requests are open so fell free to leave one :) Thanks for reading and Stay Awesome Aotics ✌Oh yeah, plz note me if I spelled anything wrong.

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