Gally Imagine

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A/N : So erm, this might suck.. Sorry Aotics ._.

BTW this Imagine is for a speacial someone.☺

You awoke from your sleep by the sound of the digital alarm clock beebing, loudly. It could get anoying, but you sure as shuck got to get use to it. You lazily brought your right arm out and reached for the clock to make ir stop beebing. And to you shock, (A/N: of the shockiest shock) it was 12.30am. (A/N: yeah I know I wake up really late :P)

"Lunch, great....Time to cook something for Gally. That shuck face only knows how to burn things." You said, looking to your left of the bed. Gally was there, sleeping peacefully yet snorring quietly. It was kinda cute when he sleeps. His face infront of you, his right leg tangled to your left and his smile as he sleeps.

Slowly creeping out of bed, you walked quietly to your closet. Picking out black short with a chain hanging on the side of the right pocket and a random red shirt. Without a care, you quickly wore the clothes you had taken out and quietly walked out of the room. Closing the door to your room, heading towards the kitchen and thinking about what to make for him.

"Maybe coffee with bacons and eggs. And I'll just have Tea and a toasted bread with butter." You whispered to yourself, walking on the cranky, old stairs.

Gally's Point Of View

I woke up to the smell of my favourite food that I had always love to eat, bacons. Turing my head towards right side of the, noticing that Y/N was not there. It made frown to see that my girl wasn't there. Lazy to get out of bed, I continued to stare at white walls of Y/N bedroom. But I could not resist the smell of bacon, so I sat up on the soft bed and walked towards the closet.

Opening the door of the closet, I noticed that my red shirt was not there. There was only a hanger and few of Y/N clothes. Atleast I still had my pants. So opened the door of the room and latched it to the wall, and walked down to the kitchen.

Without Y/N noticing I entered the kitchen. I creeped towards her. She was making coffee for me as I knew she hardly drinks it and I liked to drink it.

Your Point Of View

I was making coffee for Gally, while waiting for him to awake from his sleep. He prefers to have atleast two scoops of sugar in it. Depends on the product. I jumped as someone's arms snaked around my waist. I looked down at the person's arm, noticing that I was wearing Gally's shirt.

"You should wear my clothes more offten. You look cuter Y/N." Gally said, remembering that it was Gally's voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I should go and change into my own clothes." I said, swaying with Gally as he pulled me closer into a hug.

"No, I don't want you to change. If you were going to change, I would have make you do it infront of me."

"Well you are not getting "This" back untill you finish your lunch/breakfast." I said, pushing Gally of me. Noticing the Bacon was almost burnt.

A/N : OMG. I HOPE YOU LIKE THAT. Well I have nothing much to say but. Plz follow, vote and comment. Thanks for reading☺ Oh if you have Instagram Plz follow my Account at Minsotic_Liar Thx so much :)


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