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A/N : For Someone. Idk, sorry I have a bad brain xc AND THIS IS SHUCKING CLEAN. ALRIGHT, DEAL WITH IT. Lol sowwy ._.

You were sitting under a tree, alone. No one was to be seen in the dark night. You continued to stare at the stars in the night, it lighted up the whole sky brightly today. You sighed in relife, you were finally free from the maze. No more grievers, deaths nor anyone should get hurt. It was perfect.

You drifted off to sleep. Not knowing why you were so tired that night. Maybe it was from all the thinkinh, about what happened to Chuck, Alby and the others. It was sad, the way they died, a horrible death always occurred infront of you.

You felt someone carry you, bridal style. Not carring who it was, you snuggled on his chest.

Newtt View :3

Seeing Y/N drifting off to sleep under the big tree made me being her to the bink beds. She need the rest, seeing all the horrible deaths since Thomas came. Hopefully she forgets about them one day.


I managed to carry Y/N to the bunk beds, with the other boys already sleeping peacefully. How Y/N was really cute, she would snuggle on her pillow. But right now it was on my chest. I smiled, and places her on of the beds, telling her "Good night, love." Before laying my head the same pillow Y/N was sleeping on. My arms snaked aroung her, pulling her close to me. I could hear her whisper to me three words that I would never forget, "I love you." Y/N said, as I drifted off to sleep.

SORRY DAT WAS SHORT, AND SORRY 4 THEATE UPDATES AOTICS. I WAS SICK LATELY, and cause i have hw to do for my tuition so -_- But anyway, stay awesome Aotics. ✌

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