Minho Imaginee :3

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A/N : His still mine even tho I love Loki.... and others ._. Anyway, stay awesome Aotics ✌

    Its been at least a year ever since you first entered the Glade. You eventually got used to the loud, creeking sounds of the maze doors. New Greenies in the Glade, and the lastes was a chubby young man. His name was Chuck, he looked as if he was 12 or 13 years old. The way he reacted was pretty disguesting when he first came into the Glade. He Klunked his pants three times in a row.

    Poor kid.

    "Aye, stop day dreaming bout' your pretty boyfriend." Your brother said, placing his hand on your right shoulder.

    "He is pretty, but NOT I'm thinking about him, Shuck face. It's about that poor greenie, Chuck." I said, looking him running from places to places. His first job was a slopper. It most proberbly fitted him corectly, him being the one klunking his pants more than three times.

     "Pftt, like you are. Well, your pretty boy is back from runnin' the maze." Newt said, patting my shoulder. Leaving me alone in the homstead.

    Best brother ever, huh?

    "Wait, but its not even-" I get off by soft kiss, cheesy Minho.

    "Why, don't miss me?" He said, placing his chin on my head. His buff arms snaked around my waist.

    "Now that you mentioned it, nope. I don't miss you at all, Shank." I said, trying to push him off. Failed.

    "And what makes you think that I can't stop thinking about you everyday in the Maze?"

    "Erm, every 6 hours in one shucking day? I hardly see you, Minho...."

    "Well, I'm not running tomorrow cause Ben's taking over." Minho said, I could feel him smiling.

    "You wish." I said, pushing Minho off. Running towards the large, green area. My lovable boyfriend, chassing behind me.

Hope you like dis short :)

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