Newt Imagine

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For ChulipAnnie :)

    "Oh come on, Y/N. Just one hug!" Newt Whined with you, in a cheeky way.

    "No you had enough, Newt! I hugged for the whole day already." You said pushing him away. It was true, he hugged for the whole day that you couldn't wven hang out with the other Gladers. Even Minho, Thomas, Chuck, Winston -- Oh you know how many.

    "Fine, then I just have to this." He said getting off the hard, Bunk bed. I was left dumfounded about what he was about to do. You were unsure of what he was going to do to you. But before you could think of more things he was going to do, you were tackled to the bed. With you laughing loudly, your stomach almost hurting from the loud laughs.

    "Stop- Newt!! Sto-p!!" You said in between your hard laughs.

    "Not unless you give me a long hug!" He exclaimed, grinning like a silly child.

    You thought to yourself while the pain started to ache more. 'It couldn't hurt hugging him to the pain from my stomach.'

    "Okay -- Okay!!" You managed to say, "I'll give you your hug!!"

    "FINALLY!!" He exclaimed, imediatly hugging from the same spot. I chukkled, and hugged him tightly.

    "That wasn't so hard was it?" He said, patting your hug before leaving the room. It was still funny how it sounded that after every hug you gave him, Newt would always end up hitting into the wall or even the Gladers. Maybe it was alittle revenge from the people above ;)

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