Minho Imagine. ❌Mine you Shuck, I don't share.❌

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A/N : Joking about the tittle lol. But it might be just be true, but by then you'll be dead. BTW WATCH THE VIDEO ALRIGHT. IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO SEE ALL MY FAV YOUTUBERS IN IT. BY DAVID CHOI

AND.... Sorry if it sucks cause I always do my Imagines while listening to Smosh songs(or even Daft punk/Fall Out Boy❤). Which makes me distracted ._. Like a lot.... But anyway, STAY AWESOME AOTICS ✌

My Point of View ☚

I awoke from my dreamless sleep by the sunlight that was shining from my face. I was really lazy to get up so early in the morning, but as a runner I had not much of a choice. Atleast I could run with Minho,  my best friend since the first day I gave him the tour. And since Newt, my brother, was lazy enough to force me to do the shucking tour. Sometimes I just feel like hitting Newt in the stomach, or atleast some where that was more painful for him. (A/N : Eheheheh, whoops ❤ Such brother, sister love.)

I got out of the bed that me and Minho were sharring, and asked him Nicely to get up.

"Minho, time to get up shuck face." I said, putting my hands. And he replied by saying, "Mphmmmmm." Noticing a cup of water on the ground I smirked.

"Minho, babe" "Mm?" "WAKE UP!" I exclaimed, splashing the cup of water on him. Making him fall to the ground. I burst out into laughter, "Should never disobey me, Minho."(A/N : Still laughing xD)

"I wanted to get up cause you....." Minho's words trailled as his mouth opens. Starring at me blankly like there was something on me. "Cover your mouth, a fly might get in there." I said, his mouth still opened. I ignored him, walking towards the closet and grabbing my black shorts and a blue T-shirt. My favourite clothes to wear, yet the only one to wear when I run.

After I was done changing(and washing up and brushing my teeth and all), i notice Minho laying on the bed again. But his mouth still opened. (Ignorring him again) I walked out of the room and headed towards the kitchen where Frypan was. Frypan has to get up early enough to prep the food for me and the other runners to eat in the maze. I greeted Frypan with a simple smile and a wave. Making him blush really hard. What's so wrong about that?

"Hey, you okay Frypan? And why are you blushing?" I asked him nicely as I grabed my vest and my back-pack. "Oh, its just nice to finally see someone so happy in the middle of the morning." He replied.

"Well, I still don't see any reason why you should blush. Is it because I'm a girl?" "Erm, no.... Its because you-" "Look beautiful as ever." Minho said, inturupting Frypan for the third time, in a row of the mornings. Minho pulls me into hug as his arms snaked around my waist. I see why he was starring at me. "Well," I said as I pushed Minho away. "You can stare at me later when we are done with the Shucking maze." "Can I do it in the maze?" He asked, starring at me with a mischievous smile on his face. "Like that will ever happen." I replied, grabbing my back-pack( that was filled with food) and smirking back at Minho before I ran towarss the doors of the maze.

"Hey, be carefull in there. And I don't want Minho doing anything stupid with you again alright?" Newt said as I approched the giant doors of the maze, as if it looked like a hundred years old. "Don't worry, big bro. If he did do anything stupid to me I'd tell you. And if I ever get stung by a griever, I will not tell you." I replied to Newt, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Well, Minho is almost done and Ben is just right behind you....Smiling. And the doors are opening so goodluck to you." Newt last said before I heard silence across the Glade as the doors of the maze opened.

A/N : Omg, I have to stop here for a while. My hands are IN PAIN. BUT DON'T WORRY, THERES A SECOND PART :) AND LIKE I SAID, I'M JUST 12/13 YEARS OLD AND THE IMAGINES THAT I WRITE MIGHT SUCK. BUT YEAH, While I do that, I would want to atleast see a request or a vote or some klunk alright? So yeah let my fingers and hands rest first, and as I always say.....STAY AWESOME AOTICS✌

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