Ben Imagine Cause I am a Sheffield

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A/N : Yes, I am Claire Sheffield. Jk xP But if I was his sister, I would freaking scream everyday. Or at least hug him or some other klunk But anyway HOPE U LIKE-AH DIS STOWWY :3 THANKS 4 READING AND AS I ALWAYS SAY, STAY AWESOME AOTICS :)✌ And if you guys want a 20 facts about comment #Broster . :)

And erm sorry its short ._. Hope you like my bro up there in dat vid :P yeah I know, His an asshole. Sorry Kian, Dont read this -_-

I walked up the stairs to see my brother getting out of the bathroom. His towel wraped around his waist and the water droplets drizzled down his bare skin. I stared at him at shock.

   "Kian....WTF. CHANGE IN THE FREAKING TOILET!!" I exclaimed turning around, facing the head of the stairs. I sighed and walked up the stairs backwards, hearing my idiotic brother chuckling loudly at me.

    "Ms. Lawley, is it not alright to look at your brother whose without clothes but alright to see your boyfriend without Any of them?" He asked, walking towards me, hugging me as I felt water drip down on my shirt.

    "For a brother, its wrong. For a boyfriend, WHO cares. And your making my new shirt wet." I said pushing him away. I ignored his laughter and headed to my bedroom. Settling down on my bed, throwing my bag on the carpet without a care about cracking my phone cover. I sighed, thinking about what Kian had said. Yeah, its true I've seen my boyfriend shirtless before. But seeing my brother do it was wrong, even without pants.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard knocking on my window. Like a bird pecking it softly. But what kind of bird is awake in the night, besides an owl of course. Owls never live in a hot place. I decided to stop thinking about birds, and turned my head to the window. It wasn't a bird, but a human.

    It was Ben.

    It gave me a shock to see him here at my house since he always seem to get lost. I quickly got out of bed, and reached for the window handle, unlocking it with a loud creeking sound. I let Ben enter my small, plain room, quickly shutting the windows. I placed my hands on my hips, giving Ben a confused face as to why he came to my room.

    "You know there is thing called a door right?" I asked him sitting on bed, then flopping down on my back. Ben smirked at me, walked towards the bed and flopped down on the bed. Laying his head next to my pillow, he hugged me and pulled me close to his chest. Feeling him breathe in and out.

    "And theres this three words called I love you, you know?" He said, putting his chin on my head. I ignored him and slept throught out the night as I heard my brother, Kian, walk in on my and Ben. Knowing that he would close the door, leaving a smirk behind.

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