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A/N : I am Shucking sorry for disturbing you, but I'm here to let you know that requests are open. BUT THEY MUST BE REQUESTED IN THIS ORDER.

Monday - Minho
Tuesday - Newt
Wednessday - Thomas
Thursday - Gally
Friday - Alby
Saturday - Other Gladers
Sunday -
I have to write my other books including The Scorch Trails so I will have a one week rest after every Saturday, so will take in Requests after my rest week, mkay?

But anyway, since today's the first week of the plann, I am taking in all kinds of requests :)
If you want a Random Imagine :
#OtherGladersImagine (BTW you have to tell me who you want, example : #BenImagine)

If you want your own story, just go ahead and tell me what you wish for. Story will be taken time to finish so, be patient. And erm, I'm Dyslexic so I might spell some things wrongly.... Whoops.

And if you don't know what Dyslexic is, it's a problem that some people have. Like you spell certain words wrongly, forgetfulness and others that I don't really know. I have both of them and I am one that does not take mandarin at all. So bare with my Aotics.

Anyway stay awesome Aotics :)✌
Okay Guys See Ya Later

Btw, you can ask me questions about my life so go free and ask random and NOT disgusting QandAs.

Mkay Bye.

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