Part Two BABEH (Minho Imagine)

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A/N : Yay, I'm shucking tired. I'M DOING THIS CAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS. I LOVE MEH AOTICS. SO, Plz vote, comment and follow. Thanks :D And as I always say, ✌    S T A Y A W E S O M E _ A O T I C S    ☛❤☚

Minho's Point Of View

I huffed and puffed hardly as I ran with Claire in the maze. It was nice to run with a best friend of mine, including if its a girl. Yeah, its rare that happens but we were stuck in the maze so, might as well make friends with Everyone.

"Minho, you alright? Your running slow today." Claire asked me and started to jog instead of running. We were nearing section 7 of the maze. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I replied back to her, almost tripping. "Dude, I can clearly see that your not fine. You almost fell. Maybe we should take an early lunch?" "I'm fine really, I guess I'm just really distracted by my thinking." "Alright then, I have to take Section 5, make sure you don't meet a griever." She last said before nodding and running off to the left side of Section 7. I was alone then, no one to talk with, no one to run with. Might as well eat my lunch here before I go for Section 7....

Grabbing my back-Pack and putting down my notes on the floor, I leaned back to the wall and slowly slopped down to the ground with my back-pack in my arms. Thinking about Claire, while taking out my lunch that were made by Frypan. I remembered the first time I met Claire, she was here in the Glade before me. And she eventually told me thay she was Newt's sister, that she was the younger but smarter one. How cute....

《《FLASHBACK TIME BABEH》》(A/N : While his eatting and running Duhhhh....)

"Why so lonely, Greenie?" Claire asked me, sitting down nest to me on a log. "I'm just thinking, are you and Newt Brothers and Sisters?" I asked, scratching my head. "Yeah, his my older brother. But a really silly and mischievous one. But all I can say to him is that he is the shuckiest shucked faced shuck, greenie." "Seems like you are telling me the truth." "I always am to guys that I'm friends with." She last said before walking up to Newt.

Without knowing that Claire was the one that scared Newt with a spider, Newt went on a small quest to find out who did it. He only realised it when Claire was laughing hardly, her arms wrapped around her stomach and tears of happiness rolled down her cheek. "Claire, it was you?!" Newt asked smiling and putting his hands on his hips. "YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT?! AH, HA HA HA HA. Oww my Belly." She said her last few words before Newt tackled her down on the grass. Yes, I got abit jealous, but atleast she was happy. I don't know why but seeing Claire smile makes me blush a little or atleasts makes me laugh to meself.

《《FLASHBACK END》》 (Minho, at the Glade.)

"Hey Newt, wheres your sis?" I asked Newt as I ran towards the doors of the maze, wondering why everyone was at the door. "I was about to ask you that, Minho." "Wh-" "There she is!" I got inturrupted by Jeff. Turning my head towards the doors of the maze, stood Claire. She was limping and her hand on her stomach. "COME ON CLAIRE!" "YOU CAN DO IT....! GRIEVIER!"  Winston shouted, noticing a griever behind Claire. She had her dagger out in her left hand, while the right on her bleeding stomach. As the doors of the maze where sounding, a strong gust of wind blew across our faces. Cover with my arm I could see Claire being towered over by a griever, another was waiting by the side. As if ready to sting her.

The doors of the maze were ready to close, I last shouted Claire's name before she looked up at me and said three simple words, " I love you." The doors had close, leaving Claire stuck inside the maze for a night. Hopefully she can last. I dropped to my knees, while Newt had tears going down his face. No, this has to be a dream. It can't be real.


"Minho, get up. The doors are opening." Newt said, distrubing my peaceful sleep. I didn't bother to run today since Claire was gone. No one has ever survive a night in the maze, not even the strong and fast runners. "Come on, we have to find my sister. I'm not allowed to go and find her, Minho come on. I know you like her." Newt said before throwing my vest and a knife next to me. I had noticed that I fell asleep the doors of the maze. Remembering that I must have tired myself sobbing about Claire. What Newt said was true, I had always like Claire. She was nice, smart, cute and fun to be with. Besides the part when she likes to hit me and Newt in the painful area. Usally happens only when we tease or piss her off.

"Alright....." Replying Newt, I lazily got up from the thick, green grass. I swiped off the dirt from my pants and grabed my vest and short knife. Getting ready for the doors of the maze to open, we noticed Alby walking towards me and Newt. "Newt,-" "Yeah, I shucking know that I'm not allowed to go...." Newt said, looking a grass. "No, I'm not stopping you. I'm coming with you." Alby said as he handed me my notes incase we get lost in the maze finding for Claire. "Thanks Alby." I said, nodding back to him. The doors of the maze opened, and we immediately saw two greviers on the ground, laying dead. The three of us walked towards the first griever, seeing green goo all over the ground. Alby was shocked, and gave Newt an order, to make sure no one runs today. He nodded and saw Ben running to him. "Ben, tell the rest of the runners not to run today." Newt said, pointing out to the Glade. Ben nodded and stared at the griever that me and Alby were looking at. "Alright." Ben said before running off to tell the rest of the runners.

After me and Alby were done looking at the dead griever, we examined the second one. "Its Claire's dagger.... I gave it to her, and theres blood all over it." Newt said pulling the dagger out of the griever's head. Flicking the green goo on the floor. "Come on, we have to search for more clues." Alby said, I nodded back at him.

Walking slowly with Claire's dagger in my hand, we saw blood everywhere on the floor. Bloody handprints on the walls, and finally I spotted her. Claire, laying on the floor. As if she was dead. "Claire!" I exclaimed. Running towards with tears falling on my cheecks. "Shuck, she got cut by the griever. NEWT, ALBY HELP ME WITH HER!" I shouted. "Shuck them!" I didn't care if Newt or Alby were going to help me. I did not know why I called them anyway. So I carried Claire in my arms, with blood all over my shirt. This is just a dream. It has to be a dream. I having a terrible nightmare......


Claire's Point of View

I woke up with a painful side pain on my stomach. "Hey, Claire...." I heard an unknown voice talk to me. Turing my head to the left I saw Minho sitting next to me, Newt standing and tearing up while Alby smiled at me and Gally smiling. "Did....Did I win?" I asked Minho a stupid question. "Yeah, you did. You killed two grievers." He replied holding my hand. "I'm glad I'm here now." I said pulling Minho in for a small light kiss on his lips. "You can stare at ne all you want now." I said smirking at him. "Thanks bro, Alby too." I said nooding at Newt. "I'm just relived your alive." Newt said before hugging me. "Oww. Newt, Gally's here and Alby too." "Why can't we just have a brother, sister love? While you and Minho can?" "Cause I say so." I last said before tilting my head and putting my head on Minho's chest and I said to him softly, "I love you..." before falling into another deep sleep. Dreaming about Minho, Newt and me having fun together.


A/N : OMG, Finally.....My hands hurt abit now though ._. BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS SO YEAH. Plz Vote, comment and follow! THANKS. AND SORRY IF IT SUCKS. LIKE I ALWAYS SAY, STAY AWESOME AOTICS✌

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