Minho Imagine

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    She has a girlfriend -- WongFu Productions :)
A/N : I was like thinking on what to write then i remembered the skit that Ki Hong did on Wfp cled She has a girlfriend xD Awhe Poor Ki Hong.... He sat on Phil doe cX
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Twitter : HeyCjxx

×○×○×○ Enjoy ×○×○×○
    Ever wonder if anyone in the Glade had a crush on you? How about the times he made you smile or even blush, ever get the guts to say "I like you" to that person? I know I felt these strange feelings many times. But sometimes, you just get the feeling that he doesn't notice that you liked him. He just didn't like you At All. And apprently you were not so good friends in the Glade, ever.

    LIKE EVER..... What the shuck is wrong with that idiot shuck face. Or as I can curse and say, "You are the shuckiest shucked faced shuck ever." You and that Glader were never happy with each other. Fighting about the smallest things, even about who was more sassier.

    And yes, i hate to agree and dissagree but Minho has more sas than me.... Shucking shuck face. But the things that he did to you were complicated, messed up in your head. Spining like a tornado or something thay was messed up, maybe like Minhl's bed. He always made you feel like he was better than you, but at the same time he always had the sassiest sass that even made you blush or smile for once atleast.


    But eventually, things have to work out between me and HIM. There were more Gladers coming in every month, especially when I was the sister of Newt. The "Oh So Special"Second in command of the Gladers. And this was never the day I expected it to be, could it get any SHUCKING "BETTER"?!

    "Am I that 'Oh so Special' Second in Command Glader?" Newt asked, sitting next to you on the table, Followed by Thomas, Chuck and even Minho. It was dinner time, and I didn't expect it be that noisy since Alby was.... DrunkOnGally'sSpecialDrink.

    "And it could have been better tomorrow, Newt. It better be, or I'm killing myself... Maybe jumping off the Cliff-"

    "Oh shut it Y/N, we know why your acting like this. Your just pissed off and -"

    "DON'T SAY IT THOMAS!..... Jesus Christ...." I exclaimed, hidding my face as I blushed really hard. Thomas Blushed abit and mumbled some curse words, saying sorry quietly. I sighed and left the table, leaving my plate of un-touched ham sandwhich. I quickly walked to the homstead, sobbing.

    And without any notice, I see Minho being pushed in by Thomas and my anoying brother Newt. Shutting the door closed, Minho shouted and banged on the door. With Newt and Thomas laughing loudly enough for the other Gladers to hear.

    "Get Along You shuck faces!!" Newt shouted. Minho sighed heavily and sat infront of me.

    "Is he always like this when your with him?" He asked scratching the back of his neck. I nodded and chuckled lightly, "I don't even know how I survived with him.... so-"

    "Y/N I'm sorry for being a total shuck face to you..." Minho said, leaving me speachless. He said sorry, for once.

    "Your not the one to appologise to me, Minho. I was being a shuck face too... INCLUDING NEWT!!" I exclaimed, "MEANIE!!" Newt shouted back.

    "Look, i just want to say I'm sorry. I was being bad and all to you cause I thought it showed you that I was strong and all.... C-Cause I like y-you a lot-t...." Minho said, walking towards me. I smiled and laughed, "You are smarter than Gally for shucks skake shuck face." Minho smirked, pecking my lips. Then someone ruined the moment by slaming the door, I swear the door would have been broken by now.

    "I Mean't for you to talk not ... THAT!" Newt said, waving his hands around with Thomas laughing and said, "Finally."

End Hope you Liked it :)

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