Aris Imagine

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A/N : Sozz took so long, love =/ Hope you like it =]
Third Person View ×○×○
Warning, The Scorch Trails Spolier*

    The boy hugged her without little warning, not wanting to let her go. He missed her so much, even though it had only been about two nights since he saw her.

    Then he felt something off.

    His body stiffened, not being able to move for aN acceptable reason. This hug didn't feel right. Normally the greenie would hug the boy back, pulling him into an embrace. But she didn't reply, not hugging nor saying any word. She finally, but it didn't sound like a voice of a girl, more of a boy rather.

    "Who are you, and why are you hugging me?" The mysterious person asked. Pushing the boy backwards, falling for the floor. The boy, Thomas, got up himself. Dusting the invisible dust away, off his long-sleeved, blue coloured shirt.

    Thomas looked back at the unknown person, not knowing who he was.
    She, Teresa, was a He.

    The boy had many glares on him, the Gladers giving him an odd look on their faces. He was wearing a dark coloured, orange shirt - much look alike with Gally's shit. Long grey coloured pants with a dirty blonde hair.

    "Who are you?" Minho asked, rasing his eyebrows at the mysterious boy from the bathroom. (A/N : Yes, Thomas first met Aris in a shucking girl's bathroom....Wow)

    "More like, who are you?" The boy said, placing his hands on his hips, coming out of the bathroom.

    "Don't play with us shuck face, who the shuck are you?!" Minho said once again, this time with his voice a little higher and in an angrier tone.

    The boy raised both his hands in the air, surrendering to the muscular, Asian boy with his axe on his hands.

    "My name's Aris, 'Shuck Face'. Now who are you, including the boy that hugged me." The boy named, Aris said, looking around for something or someone.

    "No, firstly thank you for telling us your name Shuck Face. Secondly, who is that girl on the Bunk bed, shank?!" Minho said pointing to a sleeping girl on the left side of the room. She was sleeping so peacefully on the green coloured bunk bed. Her head was softly placed on the pillow, resting her left arm on her waist.

    "That's my girl, Y/N. Back off her, like I said." Aris said, his tone a little raised.

    "Don't worry, we woun't...." Minho said, walking towards the girl with a smirk played on his face.

To be continued. . . . Whoops.


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