Minho Imagine :) 4 Meh Part 1

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A/N : Do not read if you never The Death Cure yet. I'm a spoiler yes, but yeahhhhhh....But anyway SATY AWESOME AOTICS✌ And sorry for not posting in a longg time :P Been playing and postin on Instagram. Want to follow? Just find me @Minaoticx_Liar Thanks for reading and Following :)

Thomas was awakened by the sound of loud thumping from the ground. Noticing that it was the guards that had put them in the white room that only had a bunk bed and a fridge. In the room was Thomas, Minho and Newt. For not wanting to get their memories back, thinking that WICKED might be planing to do something else to their head. Minho groaned, "I'm trying to sleep here....Shucking guards....SHUCK YOU...." "Minho," "What?" "Shut up, shuck face. The guards can hear you." Thomas said, starring at him with a death glare. "Yeah, well, who shucking cares?" Minho said, trying his best to fall asleep, but seemed to have kept his eyes at the transparent door.

Thomas noticed what Minho and Newt were starring at. Looking at a young girl, who looked as if she dragged by guards. About four or six guards surrounded her. The girl had metal chains around her wrists and a Metal mouth cover over her mouth. She looked as if she had done something deadly.

"Finally, for two years we have been searching for you, Claire. And now we have caught you, after escaping and living in the Scorch with The cranks. Without telling them you were Immune-" The guard who was taking out the girl, who's name was Claire, got inturrupted by her kicking him in the shin. The metal chains dropped off her wrist.

She sent a death glare to one of the guards, causing him to have a headache. Making him fall to the ground, followed by another. "CLAIRE, STOP!" One of the guards said clenching his fist, pounding it to the floor.

Thomas stared at her, shocked to what the girl could do. He could see her smile through the metal covering. She turned her head towards the white walls and walks towards the left side of the wall. The guards were moaning in pain, still on the floor. Then the ratman, Janson came to her and locked the door of her room. Making a loud click.

"Idiotics....Never know when I can do that." She spoke in her mind, not knowing that Thomas could hear it. "You have Telepathy?" He asked, starring at her. "I think I have everything." She replied. "How did you even get here?" "I was caught on Camera. Being with the other cranks, acting like them so that I wouldn't get spotted by WICKED. Clearly that did not work. But this place really has the worst of the worst guards ever." "Yeah, why do even have so many guards surrounding you?" "Cause I killed three guards who were trying to get those chains on me, and the mouth thing on my face keeps me from talking shit." "Wow...." "Dude, stop starring at her, she's mine." Minho said inturrupting his spech of thoughts. "From the looks of it, she doesn't like me slinthead."

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