Minho Imagine _4Muah_

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☛Y O U R P.O.V.☚

"Claire, what are these?" Thomas said as he poked my neck. It felt a little pain as he touched it. My arms then flung up. I quickly felt for the bruise.It was hot around the area. It felt like a .... Bite mark.

My small mind was filled with thoughts and memories of what happen. And how I got that hickey. It was Minho. He went a little over board last night. Guessing that he was a little crazy over me.

《《F L A S H B A C K T I M E 》》

Minho tackeled me and we fell to the bed. I didn't want to do it. But he was too strong. Trying my best to break free from his grasp, I got distracted. And he started kissing me roughly yet passionatly. I really wanted to push him away but at the same time, I wanted more. It was like a craving. For poison....A sick, dirty and love poison. So I kissed him back, thinking that it will end. But it didn't. We continued for a long while untill he got tired and started going down my neck. Sucking and bitting it. Making me moan.

Minho just smirked at me. Wanting to say something, but quickly attacked my lips and we started kissing again.

"I know you miss me a lot." Minho said, breathing heavily." And I will make you miss me a lot more thsn ever. "Enjoy it while you can, Claire." He continued.

"But I have a meeting with, Alby. I have to pick a runner to run with-" I got inturrupted by Minho ad he started kissing me roughly again. We couldn't stop then. And an hour after that, I rememberred that I had missed the meeting. But I could ask Newt.

《《F L A S H B A C K E N D》》

"Erm, I got them .... from a....BIG BUG. Yeah, then it got a bit ichy. So I guessed I must have scratched it into a bite mark. Eheheh....heh." I said. Thinking of a way to escape this problem.

"Well the truth comes from me only. We had a fun night." Minho said as he walked in on me and Thomas. I blushed at his words.

"I don't even want to know." Thomas last said before leaving me and Minho alone.

"Round two in the-"

"How about after I am done with my work." I said smirking at him ad he kissed my forehead. Pulling me close to a hug. My face was burried and was on his chest.

OMG END. T H E F E E L S. And sorry if its short. xD REQUEST ARE OPEN :) ☛✌☚

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