Rochelle To The Rescue?

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Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. I'd never really believed in that quote, at least not before now. My enemy, the girl who accused me of stealing Tessa away from her, was the only one that could help me at this point.

What with the beautiful artwork Major had made about me, it was safe to say that things weren't going too well in the field of getting him to not like me. So naturally, I had to call in reinforcements. And my first choice had a name. Rochelle Davis.

Rochelle is a a queen bee. She's outspoken, bossy, and bitchy. And if all that isn't enough, the girl is gorgeous- like, legitimately beautiful enough to make boys do whatever she wants. Most of all, she never takes "no" for an answer. She's exactly what I need right now.

"Hey, Rochelle," I say in an all too high-pitched voice. "How are you?"

Rochelle stops opening her locker for just a second, to look at me. She doesn't answer, and instead, goes back to what she's doing.

I stick around, unsure of what to say.

"Oh my GOD, why are you still here?!" she melodramatizes- loudly at that. She slams her locker shut and goes to walk around me, while I tap her on the shoulder. She turns to face me, angrily. "What do you want?" she demands.

"I just wanted to let you know that you win," I lie. "Major wants you."

"Duh, of course he does," she says, flipping her hair. "Why wouldn't he?"

"I mean, you basically competed with me for him, so..." I trail off.

"Wait," she gawks at me. "You didn't think you actually had a chance with him, did you?"

I silently remind myself not to get angry and that things are going according to plan. Ordinarily, I wouldn't have hesitated to let her have it. But today, I need her to claim Major so that he wasn't thinking of me anymore. Rochelle is like a parasite; she wouldn't let up on him once she got the chance, so he wouldn't have a choice.

"No, not really." I answer.

"Good, because he's never been interested in someone like you. I mean, just look at how you're dressed! Loose clothing, covering everything but your hands and face, and no makeup. Get real." she finishes, turning to walk away.

At that exact moment, Major turns a corner and comes face to face with Rochelle, who smiles at him and takes his hand.

Major seems to be enthralled by her beauty, as if noticing her for the first time. Her long auburn hair cascades down her back in soft curls. Her big brown eyes lock with his hazel ones. She pulls him by his shirt collar over to the other side of the hallway, up against some lockers.

He says something to her that I can't hear. Nonetheless, it makes her laugh, and he responds with a one-sided, goofy smile. Rochelle whispers something in his ear, and tip toes a little to do so. Her miniskirt raises slightly, and all of the boys stare at her ass, whose form is clearly visible through the thin fabric.

I turn away, a little repulsed. One kid is actually drooling! Quickly realizing that my next class is down the hall past them, I turn again to face Rochelle and Major. What I see almost paralyses me.

Rochelle is passionately kissing Major. And ya Allah, he is actually responding, and grabbing at her backside! I guess the physical really does trump the emotional. So much for love, huh?

I quickly sprint past the two of them, into my calculus classroom. I guess that I should be happy. Rochelle has claimed Major. He's over me. And now, I can heal and I can forget. So then, mission accomplished, right?

But I still feel sick to my stomach and heartbroken at the same time.

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