Major Disaster

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An unfortunate reality about high school is that there is always a nemesis. Well, maybe the word 'nemesis' is a little too strong to describe Rochelle.

Since that minor incident last year, I hadn't let Rochelle bother me. I definitely wasn't going to let her spoil this year for me. The first week of my sophomore year is going along smoothly. After all those dreadful diagnostic exams, the teachers eased up a bit, and hadn't really assigned any homework. Of course, everyone was happy about this, but I had something- or someone- else on my mind.


Finally, came Thursday, the day that we had art class together. Sure, I would only see him in class once a week, but maybe I would make a lasting impression. And maybe that could lead to something else?

Lost in my thoughts, I walk into the art classroom and stop in my tracks. There she is, the ultimate bitch from hell.

Rochelle. Sitting next to Major.

I don't know whether to be furious or sad. I don't have time to decide because, unfortunately, class is about to begin. I fume silently and squeeze my hands into fists.

"Welcome students. This is Required Art, and I am Mr. Hopkins. I like to think of art as an expression zone, with no rules or limits. So if you like, call me Hop." Mr. Hopkins- I mean Hop- drones on.

I so wasn't listening. How did she get into this course? I was the last student to register, and I barely made it. Ugh! The nerve of her!

"Miss Abdul? Yasmeen?" It takes me several moments to realize Hop is calling my name.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I was just..." I trail off, blushing.

"As I was saying, there are only two rules in this classroom. Everything else is limitless. One, you will never hold back on your expression, no matter how wild it may be. And second, next week, you will have assigned posts based on my observation of the way you work today. You may not ask to switch or change posts. Understood?"

"Understood." We murmur in unison.

"Alright then. Your assignment for today is... paint! Easels, palates, and brushes can be found by the sinks. Paints are on my desk. Begin!"

We scramble to retrieve our supplies. While I set up my easel and palate, Major begins to do the same beside me. I look up in surprise, our eyes meet, and my mouth drops open. Oh, I can't help it. His beautiful hazel eyes seem like they see into my soul, almost like he knows me better than I know myself.

"Hey, you look like you know what you're doing," he chuckles. "I, on the other hand, am totally new to this."

I can't believe he's talking to me. I can't BELIEVE this! My mouth is still open, but no words are coming out. TALK! I command myself but my body won't cooperate. My eyes widen instead.

Major takes my hand and shakes it. "I'm Major. It's awesome to meet you..."

I honestly don't hear anything else after that because I am having a panic attack due to his holding my hand. Oh, my goodness, this is the best day of my life! He's holding my hand!

Major lets go, and I come to. Rochelle is scowling across the room at me, and I smile back at her, content.

Unfortunately, this smile is abruptly interrupted as another classmate carrying open paint buckets trips and falls into me from behind, which results in the paint spilling all over me as I fall.

We struggle to stand, but our shoes slip in the paint and we fall again. Groaning, I look up at Major, who now has Rochelle standing by his side.

I think about how all I wanted was for Major to notice me. Oh, he'd finally noticed me.

It just wasn't the way I'd wanted.

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