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The funny thing about the past is that it never stays in the past. On the contrary, it pops up everywhere, at any time.

As I tried to concentrate on the diagnostic exam in front of me, my mind wandered. Being back at school brought back some old memories of freshman year. I had decided to wear the hijab regularly last fall. For some reason, everyone was behaving as if by deciding to cover up, I was insulting them. Everyone except my wonderful friend, Tessa.

Growing up, Tessa and I were practically inseparable. We ate lunch together, had sleepovers, and even got our picture day hairstyles done together. Before meeting me however, Tessa was best friends with Rochelle Davis, now the most "popular" girl at school. From then on, Rochelle always tried to hold that over me, practically blaming me for her loss of a friend.

Rochelle made it her job to concern herself with my business, especially when it came to my crushes. She knew about how I felt about Major, and decided to claim him herself. Luckily for me, Major didn't seem interested in her. Although, it wasn't so great that he wasn't interested in me either.

The first day I wore my hijab into school, I was incredibly nervous. My gut was tight and I was afraid about how people at school would react, seeing as looks generally counted as everything at Caldwell Prep.

The soft fabric comforted me as I stroked an end of the scarf. Still, the stares and open mouths made me feel more self conscious than I'd ever been before. I'd always been known as "pretty", with my bright icy blue eyes and long, wavy hair. But I knew that title would become compromised now that there was less of me to look at.

Rochelle came up to me then. "What are you wearing on your head? Forget to dry your hair this morning?"

"Actually, it's called a hijab. It's a religious head covering."

"Such a shame. So, what's the real story? Are you having a bad hair day?" she sneered.

"What my hair looks like is not your problem, Rochelle," I spat out. "And my wearing the hijab will not be temporary."

"Well, I suppose this will be a hard blow to the guys. No one is going to want to do anything with you now. Especially not Major." She bumped me aside with her shoulder and strut off with her posse.

I shrugged off the insult knowing that the worst of it all was over. I was in this for the long run. I couldn't let Rochelle get to me.

I couldn't let her win.

Hijabi Style: The Surprisingly Average Life Of A Teenage Muslim GirlWhere stories live. Discover now