By Laughter, By Anger

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Connections between people make life so much sweeter. These connections are strengthened by love, or trust, or even laughter. After becoming newly connected to Hamzah, we were back at school, and I was just about to find out just how connected I was to my friends.

"So, is he hot?" Tessa asks me while we wait up for Kennedy by our lockers.

"Is who hot?"

"You know, the new kid."

"Oh, uh, I'm not sure. I hadn't really looked at him much during the visit."

"Good God, Yaz," Tessa shakes her head. "I would have appreciated a heads up."

"Well, I'm sorry! I wasn't expecting to see the guy ever again."

"Whatever," she says, punching my arm playfully. "What's his name?"

"Hak- er, Hamzah."

"What, were you about to call him by a nickname or something?"

"His actual name is Hakeem; he just happens to go by his last name." I explain.

"Really? That's a cool idea. Maybe I should go by my last name."

"Tessa, you have an awful last name." I laugh.

"Yeah, I don't think I could handle being called Doodle. It's bad enough that teachers remind me of my last name every time I raise my hand. And then some." Tessa says, between laughs.

"Do you have a question, Miss Doodle?" I giggle.

"Miss Doodle, please don't doodle in your textbook. They are expensive."

We double over in laughter, on the verge of tears.

"Salaam wa alaykum," a deep voice says.

Tessa and I look up to see Hamzah. We awkwardly rise to standing position, and he smiles in amusement.

"Wa alaykum salaam, Hamzah." I smile and gesture to Tessa. "This is my friend, Tessa. And Tessa, this is Hamzah."

"Hi," Tessa squeaks. "Um, how exactly do you pronounce your name?"

"Well, I guess it kind of sounds like the words "hum" and "sir" without the "r" sound." he answers.

"Oh, okay. That's tons helpful. So, Hum-sa?"

"That was perfect." he smiles, and a tiny dimple appears on his left cheek.

"So, how are you liking Caldwell so far?" I ask.

"It's not bad. Pretty similar to my old school, actually. Though I need a little help finding my classes."

"Where's your home room?" Tessa asks.

"Uh, Room 349. Where is that?"

"I can show you. That's my home room too!"

"Cool, let's get there early, then. Catch you later, Yasmeen." Hamzah waves.

"See you guys at lunch!" I head over to homeroom and realize Kennedy hasn't shown up to school yet. We usually walk to home room, or history class, together.

At Caldwell, home room is the same as a first period class. Also, tardiness is seriously dealt with. If he was more than ten minutes late, he wouldn't be able to come in. I just hoped everything was alright with Ken, especially since he would missing our history exam review.

Just before the ten minute grace period ends, Kennedy slips into the classroom, and into a seat beside me.

"You are so late," I tease. "One minute more and you would've failed the test tomorrow."

He turns to face me and I get view a dark ring around his right eye. I gasp and look closer. His lip is busted near the corner of his mouth.

"Oh my God!" I touch his arm and he winces slightly. I pull my arm away. "What happened to you?" I look at him with my eyes widened, horrified by how hurt he seems.

"I'm fine. It just looks a lot worse than it is."

"But what happened? Who did this?" I question, almost hysterically.

"I got into a fight with Major."

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