Stressed Out Teens

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School is always referred to in a positive light, especially by people not in school. If you ever asked a teenager how they felt about the subject, you'd be shocked to know that the pressure of it all makes school that much more negative.

As I walk down the hallways of Caldwell Prep, it begins. The scoping out of the people in hallway, the comparing of outfits and new hairstyles, and the anticipation that comes with trying to locate friendly, familiar faces. The whole situation makes me feel tense, and I realize the coffee I'd just enjoyed had done nothing for my nerves.

Deciding to look away from the others and appear as unfazed as I possibly can by the tension, I rummage through my locker so I'm not a part of the entirely too stressed environment. Someone pinches my lower back and I yank my head out of my locker to angrily face the culprit. It is none other than Tessa, one of my very best friends. We met in kindergarten, fascinated by the fact that we shared the same brownish blonde hair color, which is an unusual shade for an Arab girl like me.

"Ah, the joys of high school. Everyone is well dressed, yet they still look awfully shitty. Guess no one got any sleep last night." Tessa muses.

"I'd like to think of it as a team effort to starting off the year," I say. "At least the teachers will go easy on us today."

"Yeah, you wish!" A voice exclaims. It's Kennedy, another really good friend of mine.

Tessa raises an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I passed by the main office on my way in. Seems like we're going to have to take diagnostic exams in every class today." Kennedy answers.

"No! Not today! I literally only got three hours of sleep last night." I moan and lay my head on my locker door.

The warning bell rings, and students all hurry to find their friends so they can walk to class together.

"Well, I'm going towards the third floor, so I'll catch you guys later!" Tessa waves and sprints to beat the crowd that gathers on the staircase.

"So, what's your deal?" Kennedy asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you look like you're a character from The Walking Dead?"

"Well aside from the fact that I got all of three hours of sleep last night, I've been super stressed."

"Is this about the Major thing?"

Major was my childhood crush. I'm not sure he ever noticed me, but I intended to make that happen this year. And after he did notice me- well, I hadn't figured out that part yet. Nonetheless, we shared a class together this year, so I wouldn't just be catching a glimpse of him from the halls.

I sigh dreamily.

"I think I've got my answer." Kennedy smirks.

We walk into class and are greeted by packets on our desks.

"Oh, no..." I groan.

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