Grey Jeans And Pendants

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Some people say that life is all about taking risks, sacrificing what you've earned for the chance to achieve a better thing. Normally, I would protest against this idea; but at this point, I'm running out of other options.

"And you're sure that this will work?" Hamzah questions warily, after I detail our plan to get him back together with Tessa.

"No," I admit. "But it's our only shot. This is all we've got, Hamzah."

"Then, I trust you." Hamzah pats my shoulder. "If you think this is worth trying, let's do it."

I nod solemnly. "Agreed. Let's do it."

With that, Hamzah puts his arm around me and we walk into the cafeteria together. We head to a secluded table by the entrance, trying our hardest to appear a couple.

Hamzah and I are dressed in similar outfits: grey jeans with burgundy sweaters. Nearly everyone looks up at us, assuming from our clothes that we are now an item. People break out into hushed murmurs, most likely new gossip about Hamzah and I. Good: step one of our plan is now in motion.

Hamzah moves his chair so that he can sit beside me, his proximity further convincing our audience that I'd stolen Tessa's boyfriend. For all they knew, Tessa and Hamzah were still together.

"Everyone is staring, Yaz," Hamzah hisses uncomfortably at me. "Like, literally everyone."

"Act natural. You know, not like yourself." I giggle, scooting closer to him.

"Very funny," he answers, clearly unamused.

"They're totally buying this!" I exclaim happily, not really believing how easily our other classmates were convinced I was a boyfriend stealer.

"I'm not sure that's such a good thing."

"What do you mean? Tessa's going to find out about this, just like we planned," I deadpan, well aware of his point. For his sake, though, I'm willing to be nonchalant.

"If people believe you can betray your best friend like this, then imagine what they think about you. I don't want to sell you short like this." Hamzah says earnestly.

"Look, Hamzah," I start, taking his hand. "I've been through some intense times. Alhamdullilah, I've never let them control my life or prevent me from doing anything. I'm done caring about what people think."

Hamzah looks unconvinced, and his gesture makes me grateful that he cares so much. He reminds me so much of Tessa right now, and the feeling of missing Tessa makes my chest ache a little.

"This is my choice, no matter what anyone thinks. I want to get you and Tessa together again. She's who you belong with, okay? This plan is our best shot at getting that to happen." I adamantly tell Hamzah.

"Okay," he sighs, giving into my argument. I smile in triumph as he continues. "So, what do we do next?"

I open my mouth to answer, and in that same moment, I spot Tessa at the entrance of the cafeteria, obviously looking for someone. Hamzah notices my aloofness and follows my gaze over to Tessa, who has just spotted us.

Tessa narrows her eyes and stomps towards our small table. Gossip surely travels fast around Caldwell; it's only been about ten minutes since Hamzah and I sat down together.

As Tessa gets closer, my heart beats a little faster, the adrenaline in my body pumping as I realize how much is riding on whatever happens now. I start to second guess my approach to make amends between the couple; but unfortunately, Tessa's presence at our table prevents me from overthinking.

"Yasmeen, a word?" Tessa manages to say in a tight voice. She doesn't wait for me to get up before she stomps away to wait for me by our lockers.

I glance over at Hamzah before turning to leave. "Go get 'em," he urges with a smile.

Surely enough, I find Tessa by our lockers, tapping her foot impatiently. Okay, Yasmeen, I tell myself. It's now or never. I join her, bracing myself for the worst.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she yells.

"Getting your attention!" I counter. "You wouldn't listen to me any other way!"

Tessa is silent, and I take the opportunity to explain myself. "Tessa, I don't want to come between you and Hamzah. I could never do that to you. Sure, the engagement got me excited, but I realized that you two belong together."

"Go on," Tessa says curtly.

"I'm really sorry that I didn't tell you about the engagement. Hamzah and I both feel horrible. And if you can't forgive me, at least forgive him; he's such a great guy." I urge.

"He is pretty great," Tessa admits after a while.

"He really is," I agree.

"Okay then, I'll forgive him," Tessa decides. When she doesn't say anything else, I realize that she won't be forgiving me. I turn to walk away. At least I was able to save their love. As long as Tessa is happy, I'm happy.

"Where do you think you're going?" Tessa calls after me. I turn to look at her in surprise, only to find her grinning at me. "If you leave, who will be my maid of honor when Hamzah proposes again?"

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim rushing at her. We hug tightly, and the ache in my chest vanishes. "Does this mean you forgive me?"

"Of course I do," she answers. "And I'm sorry I'm so stubborn. I completely understand why you didn't tell me."

"I promise that that no matter how gory my situations get, I'll trust you enough to tell you about them."

"I'd love that, Yaz. And I'll do the same."

When we finally pull away from each other, we notice that Hamzah is standing right next to me.

"Oh, you don't have to keep acting like we're a couple," I tell him. "Tessa forgives you."

Hamzah doesn't even acknowledge the words I'm saying. Instead, he gazes into Tessa's eyes, and lowers his body until he is on one knee. He pulls out his mother's ring, now positioned as a pendant on a beautiful silver chain, alongside a silver heart-shaped pendant with Tessa's name inscribed on it.

Tessa gets so excited as she covers her mouth with both surprise and glee. "Oh my gosh, Hamzah!" she shrieks. A crowd forms around us, and I grin, seeing my two friends in love.

"Tessa Doodle," Hamzah says, as a few people giggle at the word "doodle". "Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Tessa answers, with a high pitched squeal. We onlookers clap happily for the new couple as they hug. Hamzah opens the clasp of the chain and places it gingerly on Tessa's neck.

Eventually, the applause dies down and the other students disperse, leaving the three of us in an empty hallway.

"You guys are engaged! Congratulations!" I exclaim, hugging them both.

"Thanks," Hamzah says. "Now we just need to let my father know."

"It will be okay, as long as we're all together," Tessa soothes happily.

"We're a team," Hamzah responds confidently in agreement as I nod.

The three of us walk down the hall to class as the bell rings, ready to face anything- together.

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