Relationship Kryptonite

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Family is the key to happiness. As corny as it sounds, it's completely true. Having my family and friends' support betters any situation, whether joyous or difficult. It's easier to get through something when you're not alone.

"Okay," Hamzah says, sticking his head in the doorway of my bedroom. "He'll be here for dinner." Hamzah has invited his father over in order for us to break off our engagement.

I nod and take a deep breath, shooing him out of the room. Tessa unwraps my hijab after he leaves and starts to stroke my hair, calming me. "Thanks," I murmur.

"Everything is going to be just fine, Yasmeen. You'll see," she soothes softly.

"Insha Allah."

A knock comes at my bedroom door and I call for the person to come in. Deena lets herself in and takes a seat on my bed.

"So, is this really happening?" Deena questions, tossing her hair.

"Is what happening?" Tessa asks, a little confused.

"I'm wondering if Yasmeen is finally dumping Hamzah for Kennedy." Deena replies smugly to Tessa.

Tessa slaps my shoulder in surprise. "Oh my God! Are you and Ken a thing?!"

I turn to Deena and give her the hairy eyeball. "Look what you've started," I scold. "You've basically handed Tessa kryptonite."

"You guys would be so cute together," Tessa gushes, ignoring what I'd just said. "And Ken's at such a nice height for you."

"They could make little brown babies," Deena chimes in.

"Allah, save me from this," I groan in exasperation. "You two are too much."

The doorbell rings from downstairs and my back stiffens.

"You worry too much," Deena says, noticing my reaction. "Come on, let's go," she urges, holding the door open for Tessa and I.

Tessa hesitates. "Wait, should I be going in with you? I'm not Muslim, and..." She worriedly trails off.

"Look, no one cares what religion you follow. You deserve this. He's your fiancé, after all," I smile, nudging her in the ribs. She nods in response and the three of us enter the parlor.

Hamzah is hugging his father and Abba and Ummi wave us over to sit down with them. Hamzah takes the seat on my right and Tessa the one on my left. Everyone looks at us expectantly, awaiting our reason for calling this small assembly together.

"Abba," Hamzah has the first word. "We want to break off this engagement."

The adults gasp simultaneously, yet the responses of each vary deeply. Ummi gasps and continues to look shocked. Mr. Hamzah has gotten up and has lbegun to pace around the room quickly. My own Abba yells a single word at the top of his lungs. "What?!"

I open my mouth to let Abba know I also want the relationship to be broken; unfortunately, he continues his rant without allowing me to do so. "How dare you force my daughter into something like this?! She wanted this engagement; this just goes to show you don't deserve her!" Abba tirades.

"Abba," I interject loudly. The adults turn to me, surprised at my tone. "Hamzah is right; I want to break this engagement as well." I lower my head in shame for hurting Abba's feelings.

"Habibti, why did you agree to it in the first place?" Abba asks in a gentle tone.

"I knew you wanted this- to become family with Mr. Hamzah."

"You listen to me," my father says firmly. "I want you to always be honest with me about what you want. This is your life, and I want you to be happy. You don't have to worry about Jalal and I. We're already a family," Abba finishes friendly slapping Mr. Hamzah's back.

"Thank you, Abba," I smile, silently thanking Allah for my father's kindness. Ummi gazes at me, clearly emotionally stirred by Abba's words. She struggles to hold back her tears of happiness as Mr. Hamzah experiences a completely different reaction.

"I can't believe this, Hakeem," Mr. Hamzah says, calling his son by his first name. "How could you give Yasmeen up? She would have been a wonderful daughter in law."

I notice that his words sting Tessa a little, as she hugs herself and lowers her head. "It's not his fault, Mr. Hamzah. He's in love!" I exclaim, referring to Hamzah.

"Love? What do you children know about love?" Mr. Hamzah's voice softens, and I realize he must be thinking of his late wife, Farida.

"This is my girlfriend, Abba. Her name is Tessa," Hamzah declares to Mr. Hamzah as he takes Tessa's hand and leads her over to his father. Mr. Hamzah takes a good, long look at Tessa and his gaze pauses at her chest.

Tessa notices and very self-consciously touches the pendants on her chain that Mr. Hamzah is staring at. One pendant in particular catches his eye. "Is that your mother's ring?" Mr. Hamzah asks his son.

Hamzah remains silent, and his father continues. "It is her ring. You'd never give that ring up. Unless," Mr Hamzah says as he looks into his son's eyes, his own filled with tears. "Unless you do love her," Mr. Hamzah murmurs. "You love Tessa."

Mr. Hamzah stands and outs an affectionate hand to Tessa's face. "Congratulations, my child. My son loves you, and I wish you two a very long life of happiness." Tessa smiles sweetly in response, melting my heart a little.

Hamzah walks over to Tessa and takes her hand. Lost in the moment, I don't notice Kennedy walking up to me, though it seems everyone else has. He touches my arm, making me jump a little from the surprise.

He smiles down at me, reassuring me that things between us are good again. I turn back to swoon over Tessa and Hamzah as Kennedy motions Abba over. I barely notice that they leave the parlor together.

Deena gives me a smug look from across the room, as if she knows something I don't. She glances in the direction that Ken and Abba have walked into. I furrow my brows suspiciously at her and stare her down as she leaves the room, too.

After wishing Tessa and Hamzah the best in their future together, I tiptoe into the hallway, where Abba and Kennedy are still talking.

"I think I'm finally ready," I hear Kennedy say.

"If she is the one, go after her," Abba advises calmly. Ken nods and heads to the front door. I duck back quickly so that he doesn't see me; but before he walks out of the house, I notice him smiling, his dimples on full display.

I feel a sudden strain on my gut, and it takes me by surprise. Kennedy has found the one? I'd been so wrapped up with Hamzah and Tessa that I had no idea what Kennedy had been up to.

I find myself alone in the dimly lit hallway, left with my strain and my guilt.

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