A Little Sister-ly Advice

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Friendship is incredibly important, especially if your friend has saved your life. I'm the kind of friend who is affected by whatever good or bad things happen to her friends.

On the ride home from school, I can't get my mind off of what Kennedy is dealing with. Ummi sees that I am thinking hard, and she leaves me to it. Suddenly, I get an idea, one that I need to run by my father immediately.

We get home and I race into the house, looking for Abba. I first peer into my parents' bedroom and then check from room to room. "Abba!" I call impatiently.

"Whoa, there. Calm down!" Ummi says as I run back downstairs. "What are you so excited about?"

"I have to ask Abba something."

"He's at work late today. What is it?"

"It's more of a huge favor, actually."

Ummi raises her eyebrows in surprise. "Then let us make some tea."

We walk into the kitchen and while I sit at the table, Ummi reaches into a cupboard. She pulls out a beautiful amethyst jar, filled with special tea leaves meant for calming. Ummi then fills the kettle and drops exactly three leaves into the water.

As the tea brews on the stove, she takes a seat across from me. "Tell me about this favor of yours."

"So... I have a friend who is having quite a bit of family trouble. And I have decided that I want to help him."

"What kind of trouble?"

"He told his parents- who are incredibly pious- that he doesn't believe in their religion."

"Oh, the poor boy," Ummi shakes her head pitifully. "That's got to be rough on him. What's his name?"

"Kennedy Williams. He's a very close friend of mine and I'm really worried about him. He parents want him out of their house. Ummi, he has nowhere that he can go." I start to tear up and my mother pats my hand.

"And how do you want to help him, exactly?" she asks warily.

"Well- I was going to ask Abba- if maybe ... maybe he could stay... here?" I say the last word meekly, unsure of what Ummi's reaction will be.

She sighs. "Yasmeen, I don't think that is such a good idea."

"What? Why not? We have to help him!" I exclaim, puling my hands away from hers.

"He is a boy, for one. A complete stranger for as far as we know. You've never even mentioned him to us." She hesitates for a moment and then looks back at me seriously. "Is he the non-Muslim boy you wanted to date?"

"No. That's completely in the past! Kennedy is really just a friend. He even wants to learn more about Islam. Abba can help him!"

"It's wonderful that he wants to learn more. But in any case, he can't stay here. Things are way too complicated. You may ask your Abba if you wish. But he will tell you the same thing."

"Fine, I will!" I rise from the table and stomp upstairs. As I reach my room, I start to slam the door before I am suddenly interrupted.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Deena says.

I turn around to face her. "Deena, why are you in my room? You're not even supposed to be home yet."

"So chess club finished up early and I wanted to walk home for once. Sue me." she shrugs. "What I want to know is why you care so much about this 'friend'."

I shut the door quietly and take a breath before sitting on my bed beside her. "He's going through a lot. I can see how it's affected him. He's like a completely different person."

"Okay, so while we should take note that I am the younger sister and should be the one coming to you for advice, I will help you once again."

"Shut up." I nudge her and laugh. "But seriously, what should I do?"

"You know it's not enough that he thinks he wants to be Muslim. The guy is virtually brand new to both Abba and Ummi. At the very least, Abba will want to meet him."

"That makes sense, I suppose."

"The downside is that if Abba meets him, he will also want to meet his parents. Otherwise, Kennedy's staying here is out of the question."

"Ummi didn't even say all that. She just said no. I don't think she believed me when I said I wasn't crushing on Kennedy."

"Can you blame her? Who would believe that? You're acting like he's the meaning of your existence or something."

"What, just because I care about my friend? I owe him a lot, and I want to do anything I can for him."

"Right," Deena answers, obviously not buying my explanation. "Ten bucks says you end up together."

"You know what? I'll take on that bet, because you are absolutely delusional. He's only a friend."

"Whatever you say. In any case, you've got to apologize to Ummi for being so haughty. You didn't even drink the calming tea! Allah knows you need it. Then, ask Abba if your boyfriend can stay with us."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

Deena just continues as if I hadn't spoken. "You'd better let Kennedy know that he's about to be interrogated."

"About that- there's a slight problem." I murmur.

"Which is?"

"He doesn't know that I'm doing this for him."

"Oh, you've got it bad!" Deena laughs hysterically, almost rolling off the bed.

"I do not!" I insist, rolling my eyes at her.

"Okay, well let him know. And brace yourself. This isn't going to be easy." she says, sternly.

"Oh, I'm not worried."

"Why's that?"

"It's definitely worth the trouble."

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