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Crushes and dating have become a natural part of life. Nonetheless, dating is actually very frowned upon in Islam, and not for reasons that one may think. Most Muslims are against dating for the protection of the two people in the would be relationship.

You see, once you're officially a couple, a few dinners may lead to kisses, a few kisses to touches, and a few touches to sex. Since fornication is a sin, most believe it's best to elude the temptation all together.

It depends on one's perspective, though. I think that dating is fine so long as it's a halal relationship. One that includes talking and just getting to know each other and then asking Abba for my hand in marriage before proposing.

I'd always imagined Major would do so. But now that I was getting to know him, I definitely didn't feel the same. He wasn't who I'd thought he was. This was a crazy overlap between my imagination and the reality. I mean, the creepy guy was at my front door for goodness sake!

"What are we going to do?" Deena asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. "We're not allowed to have boys over!"

"I know. Which means we have to get rid of him before Abba and Ummi get home!" I grab her hand and pull her towards the stairs. "Come on!"

We dodge into the living room to peek out the window.

"It's Major, all right. It's funny. I actually used to dream of him, at my front door, asking for me. But this, this is batshit crazy." I mutter.

"Language." Deena smirks.

As we walk towards the front door, he knocks again. "Yasmeen?" He calls.

Perfect Arabic pronunciation. I'm a little caught off guard, but I quickly gather my thoughts. "What do you think you're doing outside of my house?" I yell, through the door.

"I know this looks weird, but you have to hear me out!"

"I don't have to do anything. You need to leave!"

"But I came to check on you! I was worried, and-"

As he speaks, my heart melts a little. But then I remember who I'm dealing with. Major. Not the fictional character I dreamt up in my head, but the actual person.

"You're a liar!" I scream, because that's actually how I feel about the guy. "You lied to me from the beginning, acting like you had no idea who I was until we met! If that was true, why are you here?!"

"Damn it, Yasmeen! It's a long story."

"What are you even getting out of this? What do you want? You supposedly just met me two days ago and now you're at my house!"

"I'm really sorry. It's not what it looks like. I just- I, um..."

"Please leave, Major."

There's a pause. His voice is significantly lower and melancholy, and I almost don't hear what he asks next. "Is that really what you want?"

And then suddenly, it wasn't. "Ya Allah, give me the strength!" I pray aloud. My feelings are so jumbled up, but I know what the right thing to do is. Let him go.

"Yes. Please go." I say. Deena takes my hand and looks at me with understanding.

We wait a bit but there's no response. We go back to peek out of the window.

He's gone.

Hijabi Style: The Surprisingly Average Life Of A Teenage Muslim GirlWhere stories live. Discover now