No Principle

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We girls can be really strange sometimes. We change our minds about what we want really quickly- or at least, I do.

After shutting Major down during his little visit to my front door, I was becoming a little curious about what his reasoning was for everything. In spite of this, I was generally still angry, so I decided to wait until I cooled down a bit to let him tell his side of the ordeal.

I successfully got through the rest of the weekend and managed to avoid Major in the halls all week, though according to Tessa and Kennedy, he was trying to track me down. Unfortunately, today is Thursday, so I have no choice but to hear the guy out. Part of me is still angry, but I know it wasn't fair of me to not let him explain himself.

As I walk into the art classroom, most of the students are set up at wooden looms. I see that today's assignment is tapestry and that Hop is assigning posts. I wait on a line of students that have yet to be seated. Major isn't here. Weird.

When I get to the front of the line, Hop says that I am posted next to Major, and I am on the end of the arc-shaped seat arrangement. Great. A whole year sitting next to Major. Boy, things have changed. A few weeks ago, that would've been a dream come true.

I gather my yarn and needles and head over to my seat. It's been well over 15 minutes since class has started, and Major is nowhere to be seen. Wow. The day when I was going to let him explain turned out to be the day he wasn't going to try to do so. On one hand, it was kind of a relief. On the other, it kind of bothered me that he'd given up so soon.

"Yasmeen," Hop calls. "You are needed in the principal's office."

As I get up and leave the classroom, I wonder what Principal Carter wants to discuss with me. I take a turn into a hall of lockers and come face to face with Major.

He's dangerously close to me and the look in his eyes is making my heart beat faster, so I take a step back.

"I need to talk to you." he says, curtly.

"I have to go to the principal's office." I say, and start to walk around him.

"No you don't. I got Andrea to call you out as a favor." He says, referring to Principal Carter.

"Oh, really? And how do I know that's true?"

"Go ask her yourself." He motions to her office at the end of the hall.

I roll my eyes at him. "No need. I believe you."

He begins to smile, but then his jaw clenches and his face becomes serious. "I'm sorry I lied to you, Yasmeen. I know you must have questions. I want to help you understand, if you'll let me." he says, earnestly, I think.

"Yeah, I would really appreciate an explanation."

We sit on the floor cross legged, and Major turns to face me. "Yasmeen, the truth is, I've always noticed you."


"Because I love you."

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