Chapter 1- The beginning.

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"We can do this everyone, one last quarter!" Hanae encouraged her team, they were in the lead, 28:32. There was a lot of cheering as the ball headed across the court, towards the center where she stood, caught the ball and quickly threw it to another team member towards their goal. At the last minute, there was a pin drop silence as the shooter took her stance and as the clock ticked, the ball made a neat arc and landed smoothly into the net. The crowd went wild, and the result score was 30:34, a really close match. Both teams shook hands before gathering around the bench.

To celebrate their win with their coach and sensei treated them to tappanyaki. They joked and chatted as they ate, by the time they left the place, it was dark. Waving each other good bye, they parted ways and made their own individual way home.

On her way home, she happened to pass-by a street tennis court, out of curiosity, she went to take a look. It was a simple two-court area with quite a number of people playing. "Hey you, do you want to play?" shouted a boy with spiky brown hair.

She points to herself to confirm, and he nods. "But I do not know how to play."

"Don't worry, just hit the ball to the opposite court. We'll teach you how." he takes an extra racket from his bag, and calls over a girl, she looks around her age. "This is Ann Tachibana, she'll teach you."

"Hi what's your name?" Ann looked at the girl.

"Hanazawa Hanae." she answered

"Alright, Hanazawa-san, so let's start with holding the racket....." she explains the basic then allowed her to try a few swings with and without a ball. After awhile, they tried playing a simple game.

"That was interesting, but I doubt that I'll play again." she tells her young coach.

"But you are quite good, are you sure that you have never played before?" Ann asked frowning, "you seem like a natural."

"Maybe its due to me watching my friends play, so it kind of rubs off. Besides, I play netball and I don't really have any time for other things." taking her things, she got up.

"Bye, see you soon maybe?"

"Don't think so, but maybe we may see each other." waving good bye, she makes her way home, yawning in the progress. That day was most probably the most tiring day of her life.

In the morning before school started, Fuji congratulated her on her teams win. After, many more did. Most of Fuji and Tezuka's fans disliked Hanae for being friends with Fuji and Tezuka, while her fans disliked both of them for the same reason. So it was pretty common for screams of how they should not be together, because it would give the fans lesser chance of getting close to either. And it goes on. One can tell when Tezuka arrives by the noise level, it was amazing how they have survived two years of screaming and squealing.

"How exactly did we live through all these noise in the past years?" she randomly asked.

"Congratulations." Tezuka added.

"Thanks." she replied, giving a half-smile.

"I still remember the one time you shut them up for a good day, something about brain damage and noise pollution. It was interesting how you spoke up." Fuji comments among the screams of his name, and theirs.

"The good old days before fame." she thinks back at how she from a nobody to somebody, just because she had managed to bring the team to the nationals, after she got her position as the buchou. "When is your next match, the district one if I'm not wrong?" Hanae turned to Tezuka

"Soon I think, Ryuzaki-sensei is choosing the players already." Tezuka returns to his seat as Tamaki-sensei walked in.

Another long day of boring lessons to start. The tennis district games came, their first opponent was Hyotei Gakuen. Since they won the first three games, the singles one and two did not have to play. Hanae was there to cheer them on, along with Tama-chan and Sakuno-chan were there too, along with other fans-because Tezuka find them a distraction, there won't many- and non-regulars.

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