Chapter 2 - Camp

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Since everything begins with a camp or some trip, here we go.


Before the next tournament, and after the tennis inter-school match, it was decided for the sports club to go on a sports training camp for a week. The camp was located on a hill, a resort looking place with state-of-the-art equipment. The rooms allocation was that in the five story building, netball-tennis, basketball-volleyball, track and field-cross country on each floor. It would allow the different clubs' to exchange techniques etc of necessary, other than that would only be individual clubs training. Capains rooms were next to each other, the first rooms near the lobby where it splits to the left and right, vice-captains at the ends of the corridor, players in-between, coaches are at another building.

The rooms were simple, warm colours fill the walls, a single bed with a study table, adjoin bathroom and a closet. She liked it, being one who was not too fancy. The plan was pretty much for each club watching the other, and making notes as to how to improve their own team. Tennis played first, Hanae watching and as she was on light-duties from the nurse. The day passed fast, as by the time they reached, it was lunch time, so the entire afternoon was hardcore training.

Dinner was at the dining hall. Before that, everyone went to wash up, take a bath or shower. After she had showered, she made her way to her room, before heading to the dining area. They were all free after dinner, so most would take a stroll or sit around a campfire. The next day the sun rose. That day was a 'break' day, students were allowed to do as they please, but they were not allowed to leave the campus. Most tried out other clubs, some hit the gym, others relaxed by the pool.

"Would you like to learn how to play tennis?" he suddenly asked, with the same straight face.

"Hm? Are you sure? Or do you have some hidden agenda?" she asked cautiously, "Plus you had just recovered, even if you did not use your drop shot, you still could strain it again."

His subconsciously reaches for his left elbow as he looked straight at her "Believe me, I can manage. Beside, I promise that I will stop when needed. Plus, both of us have nothing to do."

She eyes his suspiciously, lets out a sigh. "Ok then, but I warn you, I only did some badminton and maybe took up some lesson sometime last year by a street tennis court, so don't laugh."

"I won't." he takes another racket out, a dark blue with white lines going across and hands it to her. When their skin comes in contact, static runs through their body, "Lets start with the basics...."

They stopped before lunch, by then she had at least managed to return balls, serve, but none returns inside the court. Before leaving, they went to clear the balls up. She went outside the court to savage for the few that had disappeared into the bushes or high grass.

"You learn quickly" he comments when she walked over to the benches with the two ball buckets. "Are you sure that you have never played?"

"Once, and you teach well. I can see now why you are the captain, apart from being the strongest." she remarks, giving her usual smile. "I mean it."

She headed back to her room to shower and immediately turned up the volume of the speaker, loud enough to be heard by her next door neighbors, but since she had guessed that everyone was out, it would not disturb anyone. She took a while to change, being early for lunch. She was done pulling up her track pants, and about to pull her long-sleeves over when the door opened. Tezuka stood at the doorway, eyes closed as he put his specs on. He looked extremely handsome without his specs, how did she not ever realise that despite being his close friend for two years.

"Hanazawa-san, could you please decrease the volume of your speaker please." he looks up, to see her holding her shirt clutched over her chest, and a faint shad of pink formed on his face. "Tezuka!" she yelped, face on fire and red as a lobster. Immediately, in seconds he disappeared behind the sliding door, and she stood there for a moment before quickly putting on her top. "What happened to knocking?!"

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