Chapter 12- Training for the big game

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"Hey, have you seen Tezuka?" Hanae asked Ryoma who was with Sanada and Akaya.

They looked at each other then shook their head. Ryoma turned towards the doors, and pointed "Found buchou."

"Where the hell were you?" she hissed, grabbing his arm and pulled him to where Ryan was. "It's starting soon, when neither Ryan nor I could find you, we got worried."

"Hn." his eyes were darkened and he had an aura that should anyone ask, they would run laps till they drop.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please." the announcer announced. "I would like to thank you for coming today. Shortly after, your managers would receive an email on who you would play against and the schedule." he paused for awhile and indeed, tablets and phones buzzed, managers showed it to their players. "Doctors, you will have be with your players at all time, whether it is during a match or not, any injuries and there may be a chance that the player will have to forfeit. That's all, please enjoy your lunch."

"So who are you playing against?" she reached over for Ryan's iPad and read through the names. "Representative from many different countries, interesting... Oh, seems like I do know a couple of people." she continues scrolling down the page. "They really spread it well, if all Japanese make it, then you all would meet at the quarter finals. Then again, not all will make it through."

"How many people do you know?"

"Hmm," she counted mentally as she went through the list again, nodding at each count. "About fifteen plus people, including Ryoma, Akaya, Sanada and Yuuta."


"Beware of the press on your way out." the emcee said.

"Press?" she asked

"Just stick close to us and don't do anything funny." Tezuka remarked.

She had some experiences with the paparazzi but this was the worse. Cameras were everywhere outside the lobby, flashes hurt her eye and her ears hurt from questions being shouted.


Next morning, she had to be carried out of bed-literally by Tezuka again who dumped her in the toilet and shut the door behind him after leaving. "Hurry, I'm meeting my trainer in about an hour."

"One more time and I swear that I will kill you in your sleep. For heaven's sake, it's seven in the morning." she screamed, then proceed to wash up. A cup of tea awaited her table, green tea. "Domo" she said to him.

He nods in reply, "You can't live without your tea."

"I guess that you still know me." she smiled meekly at him, before bring the cup to lips. "So who is your trainer, the unlucky person?"


She spat out her tea in shock at him. "I'm sorry, what?!"

He held back his laugh, if he ever did. "You are my trainer, if you did not know; the doctor is also the trainer."

"No, I DID NOT know that. Gives me another reason to kill a particular person." she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "WHY THE HELL AM I STUCK WITH YO--" he clasp a hand over her mouth silencing her in the process.

"We are not the only ones in this building, and like it or not, you are stuck with me." he did well in hiding his emotions, but she had known him long enough to read him. "Do you have any idea how many people would kill to get your place?"

"Why not, kill me and end my life of misery. So how do you plan on torturing me? I would rather face a cheating boyfriend with my best friend than be with you."

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now