Chapter 18- The big news

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Upon reaching their room, she was already half conscious and she hung loosely on him. Tezuka fiddled with his jacket's pocket and tapped the card to enter the room.

He carried her to their room and gentle laid her on the bed. Next, he removed his jacket and settled his glasses on the table next to it, and started to unbuttoned his shirt as he walked back to her.

Hanae's face was flushed from the few glasses of alcohol she had. She was not a drinker, she despise alcohol. But being a special occasion, she had to drink.

Tezuka knelt over her on the bed, leaning to kiss her on the lips and she smiled at it.


Their room faced north so both sunrise and sunset could be seen from their suite. Hanae woke the next morning, to find herself in the bed naked. Her head still hurt from all the alcohol- five glasses as she was made to drink despite the protest- so she could not think straight yet. Tezuka walked in awhile later in a bathrobe, moving to her side to help her up.

"What happened last night?" she asked, not really bothering about the fact that she was bare in front of him.

"You were really persistent. How is the head?" he handed her a cup of tea.

"Horrible, worse than the other day- Wait, hey! What do you mean by that?!"

"Nothing." he gave a smirk. "Come on, you need a bath." he helped her up; wrapping his robe around her and led her to the bathroom

"Where are my clothes?" she looked around the room for it.

"I've send it for laundry this morning- it reeks of alcohol. There is another set of clothes that your mom had brought over for us." he indicated to the small luggage by their closet.

"Aa." she acknowledged as she staggered to the toilet, cringing as her bare foot came in contact with the cold marble floor. "Cold.... and you got the bathtub ready." she looked at the filled tub with hot water.

"Thought you needed it." he helped her into it, lowering her slowly.

"You know, I could get in on my own." she told him. "And what exactly happened, I only remember you helping me up."

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"On second thought never mind. The tone and expression you are giving me is creeping me out." she stretched her hand at him. "Come in."

"Han, are you sure?" he gave her a weary look.

"Why not, we are a couple, or do you not want to shower with me." she gave him a pout. "I really feel like barfing." she covered her mouth with both hands

"Fine." he took off his robe and slipped into the bathtub on the opposite side to join her. It was quite crammed in there. "Are you okay?"

Hanae leaned forward and rested on top of him, closing her eyes and feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath. The water was warm but the air was cold. She wrapped her arms around his waist stretching her legs out parallel to his.

"You are not planning on sleeping in here are you?" he questioned her.

"Hm?" she replied sleeply.

"Go to the shower now." he sat up.

"Aww." she stood reluctantly, heading to the shower. "Joining?"

When she was done, she took a robe and headed out first, sitting on the counter drinking her tea. Tezuka came out soon after giving her another kiss before looking into the pantry for something to eat.

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now