Chapter 15- The game ii

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The same two guys went to the empty waiting room to retrieve the bug. After getting it, they headed to the next room to play it.

"......... You are really persistent aren't you? It is so unlike you....." the female voice said.

Few minutes of kissing and a lot of moaning and groaning, the boys blushed, fast forwarding the recording to a minute or two before it ended.

".....You know, you should really do something better with your life instead of recording people's life." the female voice said again.

"Do you think she really know?" the second person asked.

"I don't think so, let's hope not." he took out the memory card and they headed out. When the first guy exited the room, he stopped causing the other to crash into him, looking up at what caused the stop; Hanae stood hands on her hips glaring at the two. The first guy regained his composure and asked "What can I do for a lady like you?"

"Don't play games with me, why did you bug my room?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you so interested in Mitsu's life?"

"Ah, that. You see, in this world, especially at this time who he mixes with would be most exclusive."

"Annoying stalkers for some magazine I see."

"Well not always..."

"So who do your work for?" she asked.

"...." he backed away slowly, crept out by the aura she was emitting.

"Hello, an answer would be nice."

"well.." she eyed him even harder. "Um, the local gossip mag." he finally said.

"Who is your chief?" she ask.

"Please don't get us fired!" they begged the girl.

"I asked for a name." she demanded ignoring their plead.

"Seiichi Yukimura." he replied without looking up. At the sound of the name, Hanae let out an annoyed sigh.

"Call him, tell him Hanae demands to speak to him." she waited as the guy took out his phone and called him, shivering.

"Hello, sir? There is someone who would like to speak to you... Hanae she said... Yes, please hold." he handed the phone to her.

Snatching it from his grasp, she hissed to the speaker in his native language unknown to the reporters. "You do not send random people to go eavesdropping on my conversations with Mitsu, Seiichi."

"Ah, I see that you have discovered them. You see, to keep up with Fuji's news, I too have to higher my stakes on news too."

"Like I care, don't dare you try anything funny."

"Oh, I don't have to. However, you might want to check with Fuji about that. I heard that he had wonderful, well, news on the reconciliation of both of you." she could imagine his evil smirk.

"You are just like Fuji, just go and join him in being a sadist already. Goodbye, and don't dare you write anything." she hung up and tossed the phone back to the guy. "I pity you working under such person. Give him the recording, and tell him that we made up, and he got to stop sticking his nose into other people's life." she spun on her heel and took off. Taking out her phone, she answered it. "Next person in annoyance to Atobe is Yuki. So where are you?"

"The same question I want to ask you, can you hurry, my match is starting in ten." Tezuka told her.

"Give me two minutes, thank goodness Ryan brought shoes." she hung up and jogged into a run toward the court. Seeing him emerge from the changing room, she nearly knocked into him, but he gracefully twirled her to him, like a ballroom dancing move. Panting she looked at him, smiling. "So how long did I take?"

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now