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I'd happen to chance upon this as i was reading through my previous versions for this story.

I hope you enjoy it.

Who said that after marriage is a happy life?


“What is this?!” she demanded, slamming the magazine on the table. There spread out across the page was a picture of him kissing a girl, and in large red font above were the words ‘Is he cheating on his wife with his ex???!’ there were some paragraphs commenting on it, asking the readers if it was true. 

“Please let me explain.” He took a step forward with hands held out front in attempt to calm her down.

“No. Get the hell away from me.” She ran towards the main door, but he had caught up with her and pulled her into a tight hug. She pushed and hit him to get him to release her, but he did not budge. “Let me go.”

“Han, please hear me out.”

“Don’t you know, a picture speaks a thousand words. You do not need to explain anything.”

“Then give me a minute.” He could feel her muscles relax. He loosened his grip and spoke softly. “It was after filming, she ran up to me and kissed me. Then suddenly there were paparazzi snapping pictures. She ran off soon after. That’s all that happened, nothing else.”

“Please leave me alone, I need to settle my thoughts.” She made her way up to the spare room and shut the door. She sat hugging her knees on the queen sized bed and cried. She swept and sniffed, wiping her tears off at times. In-between she went to the toilet to wash up. There was a knock on the door.

Tezuka stood pacing up and down the corridor, and when the door opened there stood her wife with blood-shot eyes and red nose. He widened his eyes in shock and when she walked back in, he followed.

“What do you want?” she said in-between sniffs.

“How are you feeling now?” he asked with gentleness in his voice.

“Better, but that doesn’t mean that I trust you.” She took another piece of tissue.

“Hanae, I’m sorry for anything I have done wrong. Is there anyway I could make it up to you?”

“Why didn’t you tell me when it had happened, why must I only find out from a magazine? Do you not trust me?” Hanae lifted her head slightly at look at him. 

“Well, I’d thought that we would be able to handle it, but it seems like I was wrong. I’m sorry.” He sat next to her on the bed. She was sitting in the centre with her lower body under the covers.

“Just don’t ever, ever hid anything away from me ever again.” She pulled the covers to her chest and rested her head on his chest. He automatically put an arm around her shoulders and shuffled closer to her. “Your punishment.”

“I’m sorry?” 

“For keeping me in the dark, there should be some sort of punishment.” She told him. He looked wearily at her, and before he knew it she had pressed her lips on his, catching him off guard. Next, just as he had relaxed, she had attacked the place where his neck and shoulder met, biting hard into the skin. She licked the wound before moving back to his lips for another passionate kiss. “So does it hurt?”

“If that is how you are going to punish me, then no. No, it doesn’t hurt” he leaned closer to her until she was flat against the bed, he then began to tear away her clothes garment by garment until both were panting, staring at each other. She gave a warm smile, only for their staring moment to be ruin by a cry. 

“Damn, Kunimiwa and Kunishoichi are crying again.” Hanae dragged herself out of bed and started to put her clothes on when he stopped her, laying rows of kisses on her back. “Stop it, I need to see to the children first.”

“I’ll go with you.” He followed her to their twin’s room and cradled them until they have fallen asleep. Instead of walking, he carried her to their room.

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now