Chapter 14- Atobe's wedding

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After many protest, shouting, tantrums and arm wrestling, she had chosen a floor-length pearl tube gown, and off-white three-inch stiletto-he made her get it - and she had even kicked him to prevent him from getting it to no avail. It was amazing that he had made it out in one piece. Ryan looked at Tezuka with pity and amazement.

"Go and change, and don't do anything funny." he dumped the bags on her bed before heading to his room, stopping at the door to turn back and look at her "If you are not done by then, I'll help you change."

"No! I'll change, I'll change. Evil villain." she scrawled at him. With hesitant and much staring/procrastination, she slipped into the gown and buckled her shoes on. "Done and I am still going to murder you!" she shouted over at him.

"Amazing, you are obedient for once." he walked in while still adjusting his tie.

"Let's go before I tear this into two." she walked towards the door. Tezuka moved forward and gave her a peck on her lips before wrapping an arm around her waist and leading her out. Waiting by the lift Ryan looked at them before holding the elevator open for them.

"Nice dress Hanae." Ryan gave her a thumb up which earned him a death stare and he yipped a little.

Tezuka wrapped an arm around her, giving a low warning hum "Don't, I need him alive."

"Since you asked so nicely." she tilted her head to face him. When the doors opened, he released her and walked to the van.

Atobe's wedding was at a posh hotel- one which he owns-, and he had to exaggerate on the decoration. The doorman opened the door of the van for them, as they walked down the red carpet and photographers snapped away. Ryan left after dropping them off.

Hanae smiled warmly throughout the walk down the aisle until they entered the building and made their way to the ballroom. Outside, they signed the wedding book and a waitress led them to their seat near the front. Other people filed in after, from friends to famous people to family.

"Han-chan!" a voice cried. She turned to face a redhead that was running towards her.

“Eiji! Nice to see you, how have you been?” she held the boy at arms length, but both were jumping on the spot- it was torture in heels through.

“Saa, hello Hanae, Tezuka.” Fuji walked up to them, holding his camera and his wife next to him. He still looked the same with his plastered smile and closed eyes.

“Eiji, please don’t make a ruckus.” Oishi walked up to them with Esther. “Konichiwa Fuji and Claire, Hanae and Tezuka.”

“Fuji, since when we’re you married?!” Hanae demanded, but Fuji smiled at her not replying.

“Oishi! Ne, did you hear that Momo and Kawamura are going to cook for us?”

“I wonder how they have been.” Fuji comments as they took their seat on the ten-seated table, Ryoma and Sakuno came in, late as always.

“Please settle down, the bride and groom will be arriving soon.” the MC-who was none other than Yuushi Oshitari-said. When the room had quieted, he went on about some stuff.

After that the normal marriage procedures passed, signing for marriage certificate and “I do”. When the bride threw her flower bouquet behind her, Hanae had just so happen to reach for her glass of wine when her natural netball reflexes made her stretch her arm behind catching the stalks. People cheered for her, she tossed the bunch to Esther who was next to her.

“Such flowers being killed just to look nice. How saddening.” she said to herself.

“Nice catch.” Eiji gave her a V-sign, Fuji nodded and Tezuka did not give any expression as always.

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