Chapter 11- Fate

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Hanae watched as the van drove up to a hotel driveway; a man walked up and entered the van. She turned to face him, and froze. Words were stuck in her throat, trying to push their way out.

But a sentence did. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Do you know each other?" Ryan pointed back and forth between them.

"Yes/no" both replied at the same time. Ryan looked at them slyly.

"No. We don't anymore." Hanae said.

The rest of the journey they did not speak, his manager felt something weird, like a tension in the atmosphere. Their check-in went smoothly, and they took the first flight to the US.

"Did you take your meds?" he asked her when they were about to take off.

"Yea." she muttered. She was seating next to Tezuka who sat by the aisle seat, and across was Ryan, making notes on his iPad, his phone was switched off.

"Are you going to ignore me forever?"


"That's so unlike you, what happened?"

She thought for awhile. "You happened." she said bitterly, expecting an agreement but he did not say anything. She stretched a little, in a confine place it was hard, she looked down then at him. "You know, I tried to forget everything. My cheating boyfriend and my ex whom I apparently still love. But it seems that I was wrong, I guess it being a female thing and all, and we can't forget things too easily. Falling to hard will get you broken even more."

"I see. Then what is stopping you?"

"Fear, fear." she repeated. "Fear of loosening again, fear of pain and suffering."

"Oh." he was about to say something but the flight attendant came with their food. She ate her food in silence. Ryan asked Tezuka a few questions and confirmed certain things too. "So you did take the doctors course and is now a graduate. What have you been doing since?"

"I have been assisting some personal doctors, and also helping out at the centre." smiling she continue. "Though, I was offered to work for some but I declined."


"Hm, I don't know, I guess I don't like the idea of following someone I know and journey with them. Plus also I prefer freedom and no restrictions." she grinned to herself.

"Then why did you accept this job? You do know that you will be working for me permanently?"

"Alex handed in my profile while I was out, and I did not know." she stopped, realizing something. "What do you mean by permanently?!"

"How funny, you came willingly without knowing anything."

"Remind me to kill Alex when we get back." she smiled evilly. "Great, now I'm stuck with you. What happened to your previous?"

"Hm, what is so bad about me?"

"You are boring, dull, lacks expressions, quiet," she held out fingers as she said each characteristic. "Um, serious and others. Still doesn't answer my last question, what happened to your previous doctors?"

"Fired them."


"They weren't up to standards, having to flush each time I remove my shirt for check ups, then giving irregular records." he leaned back crossing his arms. "I did tell Ryan to not hire females."

"Well I'm here, so he did not listen."

"Yeah, apparently he didn't. So how well are you with your job?"

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now