Chapter 7- Rehab continues

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Since both of them were the only Japanese people, they had pretty much hung out with each other most of the time.

On one usual weekend outing during summer, they were in town and after lunch, she had a particular urge to eat ice-cream. Dragging him to a street vendor, she ordered two cookies and cream cones.

He looked down at the cone in his hand then back at a happily eating Hanae. He did not like to eat dessert as they are fattening, but those provided at the centre was healthier. She smiled with eyes closed as she continued licking her dessert, and made small conversations. Unknowingly, he had finished his cone and sighed as it was being digested in his stomach. I need to exercise more tomorrow, he thought to himself.

The bus on the way back just had to be crowded. She did not like crowds, for it was annoying and not to mention noisy. They got squashed against the handrails where many stood, his back against it and she in front.

"Ano, Kunimitsu," she called through the noise, before saying in a soft voice "someone is touching me."

He looked behind her, and there was a middle aged businessman leaning too close to her. Without words, he moved to the side as much as he could, and slid behind her to where she stood previously so that she was in front and facing him.

"Better?" he asked.

"Yea, thanks." she smiled meekly. "But now you are touching me. Just kidding, gosh can't you take a joke?" When he lowered his brows, she grinned from ear to ear, then whispered "I don't mind being touched by you though." she chuckled when he blushed slightly.

"Hanae." he warned. "Stop joking around."

"Oh fine, you are so boring." she pouts. Suddenly the bus jerked, and needing to support herself, she grabbed the first thing her hands reach: his shirt. Causing him to lean forward, stretching our his arm out against the window in front.

Their face was inches away, time froze, all noise was gone, and they were in the world where there was only both of them and straighten his shirt. Eventually, he coughed, pulled back. They got off the bus, he had managed to control his blush but she was still slightly pinkish.


They parted when each reached their room. After entering his room, he leaned against the door before sliding down and went into deep thoughts. A smile formed on his face and he did not suppress it. He thought about the earlier incident again and wondered about what she meant to him: a friend or a lover.


She dived into her bed, and buried her head into her pillow. Her face became more flushed as she grinned from ear to ear to the pillow, unable to hold her smile.

Finally after a few minutes of cooling down time, both made their way to the shower and wondered if anything would change.


The day had seem to pass as per normal, except that they had not talked to each other unless necessary, lunch passed quietly, and Clarrisa did not like it.

She had tried to take advantage of the situation, but as usual Tezuka only replied her with nods or simple yes/no. Deep within, Hanae did not like Clarrisa from the first moment they had met. Even back in Seigaku, she helped him and Fuji keep annoying fan girls at bay.

Jackson talked to Hanae like always and seeming to be closer. Tezuka did not like them together, he felt angry whenever he speaks to her or when they are too close to each other.

Whenever there is eye contact, they would start blushing and then turn in the opposite direction before realising that they were going to the same place. During their session, Hannah noticed the obvious change between the two even though they tried to be normal, and planned a strategy to get them together, with the help of Alex.

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