Chapter 5- Rehabilitation starts for Hanae

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“Ah Hanae, call me Alex” then looking behind, “And Tezuka, fancy seeing you here.” Alex turns back to Han “So we will start with simple training starting with stamina warm up, you won’t touch the racket yet.” turning back to Tezuka, she told him that Hannah would be joining shortly after.

Before she followed Alex, she gave a sly smile to him who was frowning again. As she jogged after Alex, she shouted back “FYI, I’m here for tennis and not netball this time.” she chuckled at the shocked expression he made.

She did some running, and light exercise as she was still recovering so nothing heavy for her. Once that session had ended, she waited for him by the lobby and kept herself entertained with the magazines provided. She did not notice him walk in as she was engrossed with the article on hand. When a tall figure stood in front of her, she looked up, then kept it aside and grabbed her towel.

“Speak of the devil, I was reading your article, interesting I have to say. So where do we eat?” she asked cheerfully, as thought she was not a sick person.

“There’s a cafeteria near here, and a few more around the campus.” he said as they walked. For some reason, he felt weird. Nervous and his heart beating faster than his normal heart rate. But he shook it off as an after effect from that training, but he knew better that even then, it did not beat so much.

She went on about how she had missed exercising so much, and also about the centre’s equipment being awesome and also on his team’s win. Unconsciously, a smile crept up his face. When she turned around to face him, she noticed it, and took a step back dramatically in shock, almost knocking into someone had he not reached out to pull her towards him.

His heart rate increased again, and she flushed slightly. Turning back to face her, they quickly pushed each other apart and did not talk for the rest of the journey to the cafe.

They were given a specific diet by their trainer, but since she was still recovering, she had meals for a sick patient-warm porridge and honey, no dessert but meds. On the other hand, he had spaghetti and juice plus ice-cream.

She grumbled at what she had, and had tried to sweet-talk him to letting her have the ice-cream which failed miserably. So she went with plan B, distract him then steal his dessert. It was going well but when she was nearly about to take a scoop of it, he held her wrist which hovered above his bowl.

“Hanae” he said slowly. “You have to discipline yourself. Till you get well, no cold food whatsoever.”

“Aww, pretty please.” she gave her irresistible puppy dog face and in return he gave the face he would not take anymore excuses.

“Hey, Kunimitsu, who is this here?” a female voice came from behind in English. She was a slim shoulder length brunette with two other friends behind her.

“Hanae, meet Clarissa, and Clarissa meet Hanae.” he introduced both girls, in English also, Hanae could speak well as her aunt had married a foreigner and hence she had learn to converse with them.

Taking that distraction as a chance, she quickly ate the ice-cream and gave a victory pump which only lasted a second when she felt a dark aura emitted by the presence in front of her.

“Well who is she exactly?” Clarissa asked, clearly annoyed that she was ignored.

“I’m his girlfriend,” she said, “and go away loser.” she added. And the brunette gasped and she had to flick her hair before turning on her heels and left with her followers in tow. “Geez, I thought that when I leave Japan, the fan girls, cough, would stay behind. Hmp, guess not.” then realising what she had done, faster than before, she had finished her meal and started coughing even more, which earned a death stare which could be equivalent to nearly five hundred rounds.

“What did I tell you Hanae?” he questioned, switching back to Japanese, when she only got the look of a child being scolded, his looks softened. “Why did you have to tell her that you are my girlfriend? She meant no harm.”

“Oh please, tell me how often have she been pestering you, and I bet that she even flirts with you every single time she sees you.” she rolled her eyes again, before coughing continuous. She felt a annoyed and queasy for some reason. “I’d tell you, one day I could die from cough.”

He smiled, but he had used his hand to cover it before turning back to his usual poker face. He continued to finish his meal with no worries as he had doubt that she would try to attack his dessert, but the drink was another thing.

=back to Clarissa=

“Urgg, I can”t stand her!” Clarissa exclaimed slamming the table in progress, causing their food to jump slightly in progress “who the hell does she think she is?!”

“His girlfriend as she said.” the dirty blond hair girl opposite said “plus she is kind of pretty.”

“Oh shut it Tracy, and even if she is, she cant match me. I doubt she is his GF.” she looked over to the corner table at them just as he tried to hid his smile while she played with her food. “Gasp, OMG, he smiled.” she started giggling which had earned sweat drops from her two friends.

“Why don’t you ask him if you want to know so badly.” Michelle said.

“Of course, what a wonderful idea. That’s why you are my dear friend.” Clarissa clapped her hands together and slowly thought of a devious plan. Then she emitted another murderous aura when she saw her drinking his half-drank juice.

=back to Tezuka and Hanae=

“So the ice-cream isn’t enough is it, that you have to take my drink also. You are sick, so stop stealing my food.” he held back his cup as she tries to reach for it. But she froze when she felt a chill down her spine, which was from Clarisse’s table.

“Hehe, but I miss u Ku-ni-mit-su” she grinned in triumph and once both of them were done with their meals, they had to return it to the collection area before heading for their normal study lessons.

She had surprised him again as she was having the same lessons as him. And that girl was also in their class. She shrugged when she walked in and took the seat behind him as Clarissa was next to him.

Class introduction was not necessary as most students come and go. Lessons was in English, it being a universal language and the usual classes like math, science history and all.

She had tried to keep awake in class, but ended doodling in class. By the end of each lesson, some classmates would introduce themselves to her and soon, she had known most of them, but remembering was another thing.

“Class dismissed, please do not forget your assignment.” the teacher, Mr Goodwill said as people were filing out.

“Hey Hanae, who are you eating with?” a stocky build blond guy asked, “I’m Jackson”

“Sorry, but I’m having dinner with Kunimitsu here,” she hooked her arm on his and gave Jackson a salute as an apology.

“Oh, never mind then but you could always join us. Me and my soccer buds.” he said as he walked towards them.

“S'kay.” she replied cheerfully as she grabbed her books and tugged Tezuka towards the exit. “See y'all tomorrow!”

“I guess I should call you Kunimitsu since people are in first name basis here.” she said once out of earshot. He did not say anything so she had assumed he did not mind.

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now