Chapter 19- Time to spread the joy

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The conversations went like this:

(With Hanae's mother for her father was overseas)

"Hello, mom?" Hanae said slightly nervous over the phone. It reminded her of that one time...

"Yes, sweetie?" her mother replied with a confused tone, "anything happened?"

"Um, well, um-"

"Spill it darling, I don't have much time."

"You are going to be a grandmother, mom." she finally said. There was silence, "mom?"

"It did not happen before the wedding right?"

"Gosh, it that all you worry bout?"

"Did it?"

"No, obviously. I'm not that irresponsible."

"Of course, I did teach you well. Anyway, YAY I AM GOING TO HAVE A GRANDCHILD!!" she exclaimed. "I so have to tell everyone."

"Err, mother..." she said weakly, she could hear her mother squealing in her private office, thank goodness she was alone in the room.

"I am so happy for you, we will pick you up tomorrow, does Ayane-san know?"

"Tezuka is telling them now."

"Ah, I see. Too bad your dad will only know slightly later, he is currently in Shanghai for work." her mother sighed at it. The night after their wedding, her father had to rush for a flight there.

"Good bye, see you tomorrow then."

"Don't forget, no junk food! Chaos~" the line went dead.

(On Tezuka's phone)

"Moshi moshi, mother"

"Moshi moshi, Kunimitsu why aren't you with your wife?" her mother said.

"About that mother-"

"Is she sick? Ill? Injured? What happened to her?" her mother went to panic mode.

"She is fine, just resting."

"What happened?"

"Hanae is pregnant." he told her.

"She is WHAT? Since when?"

"Earlier this morning, Oishi came over and examined her this morning."

"I see, for once you actually act up on time. Oh here is your father, Haru, Hanae dear is pregnant." she told him before handing the phone to her husband.

"Moshi moshi, father."

"You had the guts afterall, I was worried for a moment that I may not have a grandchild at all. Well, look after her especially at this time. Goodbye." he hung up before Ayane could say anything more.


"So what did your parents say?" she asked him when both were off the phone. She was going to contact her father later that evening when he would most likely be in his hotel. "Mother was excited."

"My mother was really happy, so was father."

"Hm, so Fuji or Yukimura?" she tilted her head to look at him, her hair fell off her shoulder in a wave-like motion.

"Oishi was the first to know, and he would respect that we would expose the news ourselves."

"So who?" she held up her phone ready to dial.

"Both, but tomorrow." he replied, he was always fair in decision. That evening, she called her father who was calm by the news.

The next morning before they left, he dialed for Fuji's number while Hanae called Yukimura and placed it on speaker next to each other on the bed.

"Moshi moshi, Tezuka." Fuji had answered at the second ring.

"Moshi moshi, Fuji."

"Moshi moshi Hanae." Yukimura said at the same time.

"Moshi moshi, Yuki." Hanae replied.

"So what's with the sudden call?" Fuji asked.

"Do I hear Fuji?" Yukimura asked.

"Hello Yukimura."

"Both of you are on speaker, Mitsu and I have something to tell the both of you, but please don't leak anything yet."

"Sure." both replied in union, they were obviously thirsting for the news.

"And if you do, I will personally hunt you down and kill you." she threatened.

"Just spill." they said.

"We are going to be parents." Tezuka told them, both stayed silent.

"Saa, I never knew that Tezuka would make the first move, because I last remembered that Hanae was almost drunk." Fuji said

"Indeed." Yukimura agreed, then both gave a chuckle causing the couple to sweat drop. "Don't worry, it will stay under covers for now, right Fuji?"

"Hai, good bye, and take care, especially you, Hanae." Fuji hung up.

"Good bye, Atobe may not like this though." Yukimura hung up also.

"So two down, next one, Atobe." she said that name like it was her worse nightmare which it may be.

"That can wait, or he would have already figured out." his phone rang, it was his mother. They were at the lobby waiting for them. "Come on, we should go down now."


"I'm pregnant, not crippled." Hanae told him as Tezuka held her close, careful of every step she takes, supporting her all the way from the room to the lift and out. "It's only a couple of days, it's only cells now." she told him. Seeing her mother in-law ahead, she waved at her.

"How are you feeling?" Ayame asked.

"Nostalgic." she half hearty replied.

"Come on, we should get you going." she helped Hanae to the front where her husband waited in the car.

Hanae slept during the car ride, and Tezuka did not comment for once. Upon reaching his house, he helped support her despite her protest and tucked her in bed. He closed the door behind him silently, careful as to not wake her.

"Mind telling me how it happened?" Ayane asked from behind, causing him to be slightly startled.

"Hm?" Tezuka looked questioning at her.

"You know what I am talking about." she replied, following him as he heads to his bedroom.

"Wakarimasen (I don't know)." he answered in the most casual way possible.

"If you say so, but Hanae doesn't seem too pleased."

"An." he said before hiding in his room.

Ayane shook her head and let out a light sigh. "Just how did I raise that boy?"


Ok, so I think I have a writer's block... I really hate how ideas don't flow. Hey, at least it isn't a cliffhanger! Then I have no idea what I'm writing.. Alas, I shall just brainstorm in my cave...

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