Chapter 16- The aftereffect

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Tears flowed down her cheek, Ryan whispered in her ear "He is still waiting for your reply."

She nodded hastily, and he reached for her left hand and placed the silver band- with small aquamarine crystals embedded in it (lets just say it is really pricy)- on her ring finger. The crowd cheered even more when they kissed, and after Tezuka had collected his prize, many went up to them and congratulated them. He bridal carried her to their holding room, but before they could kiss, both their phones rang. Tossing it aside, they kissed till their heart content before answering their overloaded phone.

"Moshi moshi, hello Eiji, yea, finally that guy had guts to do so. Haha, I know it is on national TV, I am still embarrassed. Call you back, another call." she hung up then answered the next "Moshi moshi, oh hey Mihoko, yes he did. So how is your second child, Kei if I'm not wrong? Hm, bye, yea we should soon. Bye." She answered next call and it went on for the next few hours. Echizen congratulated them as they were heading back to the hotel.

(On Tezuka's phone.)

He looked at the caller and sighed, the first person was most definitely him as always. "Moshi moshi, hello Atobe. If I had told you, who knows what you would do. No thank you, we can manage. Good bye." Tezuka quickly hung up before the diva could say more. The next call was from his best friend "Moshi moshi, thank you for helping me out, Fuji. Soon, I plan on getting it over with. Yes she would most probably kill me later, Oishi is calling, good bye." he picked up the next call "Moshi- calm down Oishi, nothing major happened as you think. Hm, yes, soon, she would want to get it over and done with. I have another call." Like Hanae, he was also on his phone throughout the journey back, and even Ryan was not spared by sponsors and some companies Tezuka worked for sending their regards.

Who knew news travelled at the speed of light and not sound? The hotel entrance was packed with paparazzi, waiting to take a picture of them.

When she could not take it anymore, she switched off her phone and threw it to her bed. Tezuka and Ryan did the similar action.

"You are so lucky I am tired from all those calls, if not you would be dead by now. A proposal, in front of everyone, on live international TV, just who wouldn't see!?" she exclaimed. "How did you even plan this?"

"I had my sources, so how do you like it?"

"How do I like it, how do I like it? My darn phone is being spammed with over loads of calls and messages!! Why couldn't you have done it somewhere else?"

"It makes it special this way."

"Hehe, the reason why I can't exactly kill you now." she looked at her ring again, inspecting it. "It's beautiful, by the way."

"Of course you would like it; Fuji was there to help me choose."


"That day when we went out, I left you with Ryan at the bookshop remember? I went to meet Fuji at a jewelry shop and we decided on the ring, the rest was Fuji's idea. But it was nice. I had spoken to your parents last week, and they agreed"

"Thanks, so I can't kill him yet. All planned behind my back." she smiled inwardly, "So when is the wedding?"

"This weekend, back home in Japan." he gave her a smile with eyes that has softened.

"Stop that!" she exclaimed with a child's voice.

Looking puzzled, "Stop what?"

"That smile on your face, it's annoying."

He smiled again, pleased to annoy her "How so?"

"It makes me want to mug you with everything." she turned away, blushing.

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