Chapter 3- Cousin's wedding and departure for Germany

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That morning before Hanae leaves for school, the phone rings. “Moshi moshi, Hanazawa household”

A familiar female voice speaks on the opposite side, “Han, I’m so sorry, I’d forgotten about your cousin’s wedding today!! Could you please wait outside your school once done and give me a call? Thanks, see you later!” she hangs up immediately after.

“Wait, mother!” but the line was already dead. She shouted to her father that she was leaving and rushed out.

School went on as usual, fans crowding around their class squealing before and after lessons, and yelling from spectator-stands near the courts.

Training focuses on more of physical that day-aka tortured-, so they ended earlier than usual. "Thanks everyone for today, see your tomorrow!” she shouts to the exhausted lot of people as they got their bags and dragged themselves to the changing rooms.

She rushed to wash up, then hurriedly changes into clean clothes before dashing out to the front gate where a sleek black Mercedes sat; she entered the car and greeted her mother. The car took off.

“Here’s the clothes I’ve got for you to change to.” she holds up a paper bag with a familiar brand, and even before looking inside she scowls. “Of all things, you do know that I won’t wear such things!” she exclaims and without looking down she takes out the blue dress.

“Oh come on, it’s your favourite cousin’s wedding!” nudges the dress in front of her face, but Hanae just glared at her even harder.

“Fine, but this would be the first and last time.” taking the paper bag with her, she got out of the car and made her way to the hotel to change. The dress was a midnight blue goddess looking dress that reaches her ankle, her mother bought along with it a matching necklace and a charm bracelet, and also not to mention an elegant pair of six-inch black gladiator sandals to match.

Once changed she walked out extremely slowly, looking left and right for any familiar face before walking quickly towards into the elevator when the coast was clear. Letting out a breath of relieve only to last a short while when some one behind said her name. “Hanazawa is that you?” a voice she hears too often speaks.

Turning sharply to look behind, she sees Tezuka in a black tuxedo, one brow raised in amusement. She cursed silently before exclaiming “What? Never seen a girl wear a dress before?”

“Not just any girl, but one who didn’t seem like the kind who would. So what made you change your idea of being more, feminine?” he emphasized on the last word.

“Just because I did not have time to go back and change, dear mother got me the clothes, and I had no choice, it is at a grand hotel and I can’t go for a wedding in shirt and track pants.” the door opens, she got out and so did he. “Why are you here anyway?”

“Attending a family friend’s wedding, my mother arrived earlier than I did.” He walked off, in the same direction as her, and arrived at the reception together.

“Name please?” the lady in a simple pearl dress asked. “Hanazawa Hanae. My mother should be here already.” she informs the lady. “Ah yes, she is the lady in the emerald dress on the left.” she points to a tall table where her parents stood arm in arm, talking to a group of people. She signs the wedding book, and Tezuka does so too. Once done, she headed off in the direction of the crowd, brows lowered, here we go again, she thinks to herself. “Ah here she comes, my daughter, head of her school’s netball team. Recently, they won the nationals” she tells her new found group. To her, “now now, you can go and talk to some of your other relatives.” she says before turning back to them. “Is you mother always like that?” Tezuka asked.

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