Chapter 10- Meeting old friends

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Hanae and Oishi reached two hours earlier. And met up with the few there, some from Hyotei, Rikkai Dai, Fudomine, Mizuki and Yuuta, Shitenhouji and Yamabuki were there, and sitting in the middle and attempting to blend in was Athena, she have a good personality, but the sad part was her handicap with Japanese, as most of them conversed in it.

"Oh hey Hanazawa and Oishi!" Akaya called out causing everyone to turn. (note: Akaya turned good, more like he was, but changed then changed back.)

Hanae waved at them, before being tackled by Eiji but he moved on to his old doubles partner and hung on him. "Hey ya'll! So how's life? Hi Akaya, Mizuki, Yuuta, Akutsu, Sanada, Ibu, Tachibana, Niou, Echizen, Shiraishi, Kenya, it has been long" she greeted as she looked at each party. (Japanese)

"Wait a minute, how do you know them?!" Athena demanded, frustrated as she joined the crowd. (English)

"Old friends, did I not mention it?" she gave an innocent look causing Athena to slowly turn red from anger. (Eng)

"Nice one Hanae!" Niou said, giving her a hi-five. (Jap)

"So how are you and Tezuka now?" Mizuki suddenly ask, getting total silence from everyone and death stares-they all knew from their captains that they broke up, but none wanted to bring it up. "You know what, forget I'd asked." (Jap)

"Now what's with Kunimitsu?" Athena's big-mouth had to open. (Eng)

"Does she know?" Sanada asked, she shook her head in denial. "Let me rephrase, does anyone apart from us and the others know?" another shake. (Jap)

"Hey, I don't like to be kept in suspense here!" (Eng)

"Its better if no one else know, so please don't mention him." Hanae pleaded the group.

An airstewardess came over to the group and called them in. They handed her their passports to handle the customs part, went up the portable staircase and into the private jet that have the words Atobe Corp. across the plane and on the tail an A.

It was quite spacious, having enough room for them all. The flight was estimated to be 7 hours, and a meal was included, drinks was free flow. They chatted most of the time, and for the sake of their guest, they would translate certain conversation or spoke in English.

She stared out of the window with her earpiece on and playing her song. She had taken her medicine and hence her headache was not unbearable. She stared with deep thoughts, thinking of the last time she sat on the plane before her flight to New York, the one to Germany. Memories flowed back to her, bugging her concious again and again until she fell asleep.

Two hours later, a hand gently shook her, she ignored it and turned away. The hand then attacked her with tickles. "Hey! That's so not fair, Mitsu!" she snapped her eyes open to find Niou there dressed as Tezuka. "Oh it's you." she rubbed her eyes and got out of her seat and headed to the toilet to wash up.

She stood by the small basin and looked at the huge mirror at herself. She washed her face and pat her cheeks. "What is wrong with me?" she asked herself, "I am the one who broke us up, yet I still have feelings for him. Gosh." she dried her face before exiting the cubicle.

Niou was still at the seat-as Tezuka- next to hers, watching an anime which was showing. He did not turn his head away from the screen to face her. "Admit that you still have feelings for him."

"I don't." she replied as she slipped into her seat.

"Then why did you call him?"

"I didn't, it was just some memory."

"Does memory include sleeptalking and muttering his name consistently?" he asked.

"I don't sleeptalk."

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