Chapter 17- THE day

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"Rise and shine." Tezuka called out, pulling the curtains open.

"Urg, leave me alone." she covered her exposed head with a pillow.

"Come on, it is already ten and I have done my morning routine."

"Your problem not mine, I did not even get proper rest last night." she whined "please another hour."

"No." he said firmly. "Get out now."

"As much as I'd wish to, I don't feel like I can. My legs feel like they are being attracted to the bed."

"Enough nonsense, get up." he moved over to her bed, standing over her.

"muff urf fuone." she said.


"leave me alone." she buried herself under the covers again.

"Seriously, why am I going to marry you?" he pinched the bridge of his nose above his spectacles and walked on the other side, sliding in to join her under the covers. "Getting up now?"

"Yip!! Gosh, get out of my bed!" she pushed him off with her legs, but he did not budge. Coming out of under the quilt, she sat up and glared hard at her fiancé. "Of all ways to get me out, you pick the most embarrassing way." she ran a hand through her messy hair before heading to the toilet.

"Fast and most efficient way." He said simply. "We are meeting the hotel manager soon, and unless you want Atobe planning it, you might want to hurry."

"As much as I wish to hurry, the water is freezing cold. Would you be so kind as to help me." she shouted from the shower. Tezuka got for her a new set of clothes and knocked on the door before entering. "Don't look while I change." he understood that as a cue for 'get out'. Quickly, she slipped into her underwear and clothes, towel dried her hair and then blow dried it.

"You look beautiful as always." he gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Yea right, I am in a mess." she stormed to the kitchen and sat by the counter. "Morning Ayane-san, I mean mother."

"Morning dear, so how was your sleep?" Ayane asked from the stove. She was making pancakes.

"Your son is really annoying."

"She slept for hours." Tezuka remarked, earning a death look from Hanae.

"My my, early in the morning and arguing like an old couple." she distributed the pancakes on the plates that Tezuka had taken out. "Enjoy."

"Ikadeshimasu~" she poured maple syrup on her portion and ducked into it. "Here, try with more of the sauce. You are too health conscious." she shoved a piece of cut pancake drowned in sauce into his mouth. "So how is it?"

"Sweet, extremely sweet. How can you eat such thing?" Tezuka continued his with just a thin layer of sauce and butter.

"Because it is nice and you have got to learn to be more unhealthy." she asked for a second portion which Ayane gave willingly.

"Indeed, Kunimitsu, you should loosen up a little."

"Hm." the person-of-topic grunted.

"And speak more too." She added, placing the plate in front of Hanae who held the bottle of syrup ready.

"Thank you for the wonderful breakfast, bye." she said after her meal as they headed out, Hanae greeted his grandfather who was tending to the garden. "Morning ojii-san!"

"Hello Hanae and Kunimitsu." he looked up from the bonsai plant.

"Pretty garden, so have the bougainvillea grown much from the last time?" she walked over to stand next to Kunikazu, looking at the many potted plants.

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now