Chapter 4- Germany

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On the second day, she woke earlier and her phone rang at the same time. She cursed again as she had forgotten to call her friends back home. It should have been night in Japan. But before she could answer, someone did for her.

The figure looked at the caller ID before answering. “Moshi moshi, Tezuka here, Fuji-?”

“Tezuka-buchou, why do you have Hanazawa-sampai’s phone?” Momoshiro exclaimed over the phone that Tezuka held it at arms length before putting it back to his ear.

“Tezuka, pass me the phone.” Hanae said weakly, voice cracking.

“No, you are to stay in bed as per doctor’s orders.” he said sternly to her, before speaking to the phone again. “Momoshiro, pass the phone back to Fuji.” a pause followed, once a familiar demure voice sounded on the other line, Tezuka spoke again. “Fuji, she’s resting. No, it’s her motion sickness.”

She tried to bend over, reaching for her phone but he came over instead and gave her the no-nonsense look that caused her to pout as he continued speaking to speak to Fuji. He sat on the edge of her bed he ending the conversation with a 'she sends her regards'.

Hanae tried to glare at him, but being ill did not help as she was too tired to do much, so she had just flopped back to bed. "There's this function called 'loudspeaker' which would help greatly." 

He smiled, but quickly turned back to his usual stoic look. “The doctor came earlier on and the regulars wish for you to-get well soon.” he filled her in with other details. When he was about to leave, she held on his hand and asked for him to stay a little while more.

He left once soft snores could be heard from her mouth, and headed across to his room. He clamped a hand over his mouth to stop him from smiling, and his face from heating up.

As he said, it did take about three days for her body to get used to the different time zones. He had visited her before and after each training day, and made sure that she stayed in bed and took her medications-a doctor visited on the second day.

On the morning of the third day, she woke from the glare of the morning sun that shone through the window. Not too long after, the alarm rang. She frown as she did not remember setting an alarm.

A knock came from the door, before Tezuka entered - he took her key card earlier on as hostage so that she will stay in bed. Tezuka moved over to her bed and handed her a thermometer then moved to pour her a glass of water while ignoring the scowl she gave him. He was dressed in his usual tracksuit, that day he wore his blue one.

“Seems like you are better, are you starting your sessions today?” he asked

“Yep, yep. Could you turn around, I need to change.” she waited and when he turned to face the window, she quickly changed out of her sleeping attire to a green tracksuit. “ okay, you can turn back now.”

“You know, you could just go to the bathroom to change.” he commented when he had turned around, and adjusted his specs at the same time. “Where to?”

“I’ll follow you first I want to see where you train.” she grinned and held the door open and waited for him to walk out then left also. Along the way, she did most talking and as usual he did not speak much but she did not mind, after all she was used to it. “Can I have my room card now?” she stretched out her hand and he put the black card on it.

“We’re here, so where are you headed to? You are here for netball aren’t you?” he stopped outside a double story building, and waited for her to leave, but to his surprise, she had just walked in.

She walked through the automatic doors then told the receptionist her name, and as the lady pointed for her to the direction, she skipped off with Tezuka who was wondering as to what she was up to. She had not told him that she was here for tennis yet.

A Tezuka Kunimitsu story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now