Chapter 9- Adulthood

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Even since he left the camp to become a pro, he did not have much time to do anything else. They tried to keep in contact as often as possible, but the time difference was a partial problem and also she was busy with studies.

Eventually in her last year in high school they broke up as both realised that their long distance relationship was not going to work. She did tell him that she would be going to the States as she had a scholarship at a university there.

The regulars completed their time at the U-17 camp, Oishi took the same course as her which was medical, Eiji went to study veterinarian, Momo on food, Kaidou on the wild life, Fuji on photography, Echizen was still in high school, Kawamura help with his father's shop, Inui studied on psychology, and of course Tezuka was still training under the Germans to be a pro.


Hanae stretched after completing her last essay for the semester. The next semester they were to find jobs. She already knew where she wanted to go, she asked Oishi, and he said that he was offered a job in Kyushu.

"Oh, Kyuushu, isn't that were Tachibana and Chitose went?" she asked

"Yep, how about you?"

"Same place where I had my rehab, thought that I help others with the same problem." she smiled.

"The same place you and Tezuka went?" Oishi almost regretted asking, as her eyes became dark and she left without saying anymore.

Walking down the corridor, she did not see James waving his hand in front of her until he stopped her in her path.

"Hey are you okay?" he looked at her with concern, then looking over hee shoulder at a running figure. "Hi Syuichirou!" he called out.

Oishi greeted James before turning to Hanae "I'm sorry Hanae, I did not mean to mention his name." he bowed apologetically.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." she smiled weakly at him. "It's just that it have been years since..."

"Han, who are your talking about?" James looked at both of them, totally clueless.

She shook her head at him, before turning back her usual bright smile. Speaking to Oishi in Japanese knowing that James would not understand "Gome Syuichirou, but please, please don't ever mention you buchou's name again. Arigato." she bows slightly, with sadness in her voice.

"How long are you going to avoid each other?" he called out, but she only looks solemnly at him.

"What did you two talk about?" James asked, obvious that he does not understand.

"Nothing, so where would you like to go for lunch?" she asked, deep in thoughts, before he lead her towards the main building.

"Wendy's? Or would you like to eat at another shop in town?"

"Wendy it is then." she confirmed happily. However, deep within her heart, she yearn for the comfort he had provided her. Over the years, after their break up she had indeed moved on, physically but she did regret their separation but what can be done? She was busy with studies, he was busy training and their free time hardly coincides. She thought about their last conversation:

*****start of flashback

It was at two in the afternoon, and she was having lunch with Oishi and Eiji like always. They were in their last year in high school, and most had scholarships to different courses. Despite being in different classes, they tried to meet up during breaks and at times they would play a few games at the courts available.

"Hey, how are you and Tezuka?" Oishi asked suddenly.

"I'm meeting him today, seems like he stopped here for a day before leaving again." Hanae answered casually. Both the former golden pair exchanged worried looks.

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