Chapter 8- And she returns to Japan

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Meanwhile, Hanae was trying to recover as fast as possible, being unable to stand the loneliness, apart from talking to her classmates and Hannah, life was quite boring. She got asked out by Jackson a couple of time but she politely turned him down like the others in school. Once she is gone, Hannah would go back to being a pro, and Alex to other patients.

The team won. At the same time, at last the doctor had released her only for the holidays, she gave a rare hug to Charles, Alex and of course Hannah for her work. Catching the next flight back, she only told Fuji of her returning as Eiji would tell everyone, besides she was closer to Fuji, and he would gladly love to help her surprise Tezuka.

Her flight landed in the afternoon, just in time for the match against Rikkai Dai. But by the time she had reached the stadium, Ryoma was playing against their recently healed buchou, Yukimura Seiichi.

She watched from the spectator stand, blending with the others. When Fuji spotted her she gave a small wave, he had updated her as to what had happened: Tezuka nearly re-injured his arm again but lost to Sanada-she is going to kill him afterwards. The golden pair helped stall for time-Ryoma had lost his memory. Fuji played against Niou-he used his illusion but it was not good against Fuji and Tezuka promised a rematch with Fuji one day.

Inui got injured during his doubles match with Kaidou causing them to forfeit-Kaidou nearly turned into a demon like Kirihara had Inui not stop him. Lastly, in attempt to help regain Ryoma's memory, Momo and with the help of other players Ryoma had defeated played him. Now, he is struggling against Yukimura.

She watched as he fell and then got up, still having the energy to play. It surprised almost everyone, his will. Then he unlocked the Teni Muhō No Kiwami (pinnacle of perfection) and won against Yukimura. Everyone crowded around him, throwing and catching him in the air. Tezuka smiled, Fuji notices but was told not to mention it, Inui makes notes and a video.

Hanae popped by shortly after their celebration, and congratulated everyone. They celebrated at Kawamura's sushi.

"Hanae, when did you come back?" Tezuka asked.

"This afternoon, why, do you miss me already? I did not know that you were like that Kunimitsu." she grinned at him. The others stopped what they were doing for a second thinking the same: Since when were they on first name basis?!

"I see that your are quite close, so what happened when your were together?" Fuji asked innocently, maybe too innocently.

"Indeed, what happened?" Inui asked popping up between the mentioned couple. Hanae jumped, holding her chest to calm her frightened heart.

"Two and a half years and I'm still not used to him popping out like that." Hanae commented.

"So what happened?" Fuji prompted as innocently as a Fuji would.

"Nothing." Tezuka said in the same monotone. When he turned to face her, she blushed slightly and he nearly did too but regained his composure.

"In Germany, calling by family names was unusual, so we had to adapt and hence called by our first." she explained.

"Hmp, something is likely to have happened after we left: 89%. Possibility of them being a couple: 66%, wait, blushing equals to 76%." he pushed his glasses up causing it to reflect bright light.

"That's it, I'm out of here." she took her bags and put on her shoes, thanked Kawamura then walked out of the store.

"On second thought, 83%." he wrote down in his book. Fuji smiled at Tezuka who continued to finish his platter without another word before leaving. "Make that 88% that something happened."

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