Chapter 6- Outing/ The team visited

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Lessons went on as usual, and he had made sure that she went to class on time. She had thought that being in the same class as him and most lessons was a curse and also a blessing.

The weekends came, and since it was a rehab centre and not a hospital, students were allowed to leave the compound during weekends and holidays.

A knock came on her door once again, and as expected, it was Tezuka. She rushed to the door opened it and greeted him a little too happily.

He raised a brow, “Ready to go?” he was dressed casually, in a v-neck light blue knitted top with a white cardigan, brown shacks and jogging shoes.

“Yep, just going to grab my bag” she reached for her messenger bag that sat on her table before heading out. “Okay, lets go.”

The day before, she had asked if he was free on Saturday, and when he said he had no plans, she persuaded him to bring her out, which he reluctantly agreed, so she had promised to do all her homework for a month and also to keep awake during lessons. A hard bargain, but he agreed.

First up was to the few tourist attractions. Transport was not a problem as there were public buses to bring them from place to place. Buildings like the concentration camp during the Hitler’s rule, the cathedral, famous streets and other landmarks.

Finally, they met up with their coaches at Kriston Avenue for dinner.

From a distance, she could see Hannah drinking and Alex was only having a sprite. They ordered their meal, before a light conversation.

“So Hanae, where did Kunimitsu bring you?” Alex asked, as they waited for the food to arrive.

“He brought me to the various landmarks and some tourist attractions.” she replied, sipping on her drink. “Hannah, you have got to cut down on your alcohol intake, plus you still owe that bartender don’t you?” she sighed, but Hannah just pout at her.

“Oh just ignore her, even if you tell her that, I doubt that she would even listen to you. Being a doctor and friend, I have already given up on her.” Alex rubber her temples at that thought.

“Which reminds me, Hannah, there is someone I would like you to meet, Echizen Ryoma. Since my team from Japan are coming, I would like you to meet him.” Tezuka spoke up after a long while.

“chibi? Why?” Hanae looks questionably at him.

“Hmm, why not, show him to me. Hic, oops.” Hannah replied, turning back to her drink. The food came, and they ate, after which they made their way back to the centre.


Life went on for a month, then Tezuka was informed that his team and coach would be coming for a week.


On the morning when the regulars along with Ryuzaki-sensei were visiting, she had her usual therapy with Hannah while Alex went to fetch them from the airport and Tezuka waited for them by the lobby.

During her session, Hannah’s phone rang while they were having a break. “Yes Kunimitsu,” she spoke to the receiver. “Sorry, but I can’t make it today. Bye.”

“Hannah, don’t tell me you are going to ignore them just so you can go drinking.” Hanae narrowed her eyes at the trainer, but she acted all coy and ignored the glare.

“Aww, what make you think that I am going to do that? Come on, lets continue with our rallying, hehe” she clapped her hands together and headed back to the courts.

“Geez, tell me.” she headed to the other side of the court.


Meanwhile over at Tezuka's side.

After greeting his teammates, he received the medal from the Kanto Regional tournament from Oishi. Next he brought them around the campus and explained some things on the way.

At his room, Alex told them of his participation in the in-house magazines.

“Ne, where is Hana-chan?” Eiji asked.

“She is still having her therapy, she may meet us later in the afternoon.” he replied, before remembering something “There is someone I would like your to meet, but she suddenly had plans..”

They went to some historical places that Tezuka had brought Hanae before. Along the way, the group got split up, but at least they know where to meet at.


After training, Hannah left immediately so Hanae made her way back to shower before meeting the boys at Kriston Avenue.

She made her way to the location to see Hannah leaving with Ryoma under her arm, and Momo and Inui in tow. Shortly after, Tezuka, Oishi, Eiji and Fuji arrived.

They greeted each other before Hanae told them that they were at the courts. Before heading back, apparently she had received a call from her teacher about something and had to rush back. So much for coming all the way down, She growled.

They stayed for a week before heading back to Japan.


A/N: please excuse any typo and grammar mistakes, and also any events that seemingly doesn’t make sense. It’s fictitious after all. Oh and I really want to go to Germany, well, any country on the opposite side of the globe from where I am. My brother was there for like a month, travelling. CAN YOU FEEL MY PAIN... T_T

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