Chapter 20- The end

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Hanae stayed at home for a couple of days to rest and since Tezuka had no games until the next annual event, they decided to take a trip out to the countryside in Kyushu.

"You said that you're going to put a halt to your games to continue your modeling?" she asked him.

"What about?" he replied.

"Are you really going to do that? I mean, tennis is your life since middle school. Plus, you've risked your life multiple times because of it." she reminded him.

"Are you alright? You're not saying what you usually do." he frown at her.

"I'm fine. Just concerned about you."

"Thanks but I'll be fine. After all, there is a time when I would have to retire eventually."

She eyed him skeptically, then attempted changed the topic. "Let's play a game!"

"And risk a miscarriage? I think not." he answered back.

"Fine. Then swimming? It isn't as risky." she suggested. "The beach? Or the pool."


"Beach then. Let's go!" she exclaimed as pumped her fist in to the air.

About half an hour later, they stood under the warm autumn sun on the beach. She wore a loose tee over her navy two piece, whereas Tezuka wore a white tank and a pair of berms.

She looked over at him, "So what do you want to do first?" he did not reply. "Sheesh, quiet as always. Fine, let's go for a swim in the sea." she jogged down the sandy white beach, pass people who were building sand castle and some who were sun tanning.

They played for a couple of hours, then they sat on the beach, watching the sunset. Hanae placed her hand over her abdomen, feeling the warmth on her belly as she looked ahead, a sad smile formed on her face. Tezuka, feeling her anxiety, wrapped an arm over her shoulders. Both looked ahead at the hue coloured sky, the orange-yellow sun setting.

-Eight years later -

At a photo studio, a family of four sat on the overstuffed red velvet couch with gold rimmed frames. A pair of twins looked around at the happenings until their mother whispered something to them. The man looked like he was in his late twenties, the woman looked around his age and the boy and girl looked around five.

The man held a stone expression, a face with finely chiseled features like that of a model. His sharp looking eyes, his

He wore a tuxedo tailor to suit his build, fitting almost perfectly on his sculpture-like body. His posture was one which made it seem that he was one of importance.

Whereas the woman, unlike her husband, wore a bright smile, her eyes looked like they were shining with the chandeliers which hung from above, her hair was done up in a loose bun which shaped her face perfectly. She wore a navy goddess gown, her neck held a simple choker of the same colour as her dress and her ears hung simple silver loops.

The two children, the girl wore a simple white dress with  and a headband which she obviously disliked, her face has the same expression as her father, except that she had her mother's beauty. The boy plays with his suit, fiddling with the tie, loosening and tightening it. He looks just like his sister, except that he looks more like his father with his mother's happiness.

The photographer called for them to get ready, a couple of makeup artists quickly moved over to touch up their face. They sat in position on the sofa, the woman holds the girl on her lap while her husband sits their son in his lap. A few shots were taken then they changed position. The photo shoot lasted for about another hour or so before they went to change out of their attire. The children were lead elsewhere while the couple sat for a short interview.

"Today, we have here, our famous celebrity couple, Kunimitsu and Hanae Tezuka." the interviewer introduced the couple. "It has been said that after you have won your next championship, you would be retiring?"

"Yes, I would. But it would be sometime before I do win." He told the interviewer.

"Then, Hanae, would you continue coaching at the famous tennis center in the city?" The woman asked, turning her attention to Hanae.

"Ah, yes I would. Since Kunimitsu would be home." she replied.

The interviewer asked a couple more questions before wrapping up.  "One more question, would your children be following your path?"

The couple looked at each other as though secretly communicating, Hanae spoke. "It depend on what they want to do. But they do like the sport."

"I see." she wrote something down on her notepad. "That's all. Thank you for your time." she indicated to the cameraman then stood, shaking their hands. "Thank you for agreeing to this interview."

"Our pleasure." Hanae replied. Tezuka simply nodded.


"We're home!" Hanae called out. The two kids entered their home and into the arms of their paternal grandmother. "Hello, mother."

Their home sat among others, separated by hedges and pine trees, a two story cottage home with a tennis court surrounded by trees and a half lap swimming pool next to it. A couple of minutes later, the couple came out in training attire with their children, each holding a racket.

"So, what's the pairing today?" Hanae looked at her family.

"Let the kids play among themselves." Tezuka replied, turning to see their twins with an eager expressing.

"Aw, you don't want mummy to play with y'all?" she pouted at eye level with her kids.

"Nope!" her son said. "I want to play with onee-san!"

"Let the best one win." her daughter said as she walked towards the opposite side.

"Kunimiwa and Kunishoichi, please don't hit the balls too high again." Hanae called out as she took a ball among the basket and started bouncing it on her racket. She stopped after awhile, then seating next to Tezuka, they watched their children play.


FINALLY I have completed it. My apologies if it did not turn out as expected, but I really can't think of what to type. So here it is. Thanks for those who have been reading. *bows*

Okay, so I originally planned for an epilogue instead, but seeing how short it was, I didn't

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