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disclaimer: I don't own prince of tennis, characters or places, but I do for my own characters and other fictional events.

Enjoy my first fanfic ^-^ please ignore the grammar, spelling and vocabulary  mistakes, this is only the 1st draft.


Hanae is a new student at Seishun Gakuen, joining half a year later after shifting back from Canada, she is in class 1-1 after the entrance exam and after being introduced, she makes friends quickly with Hikari, Sakura, Fuji and Eiji. She studies art as one of her subject, and the school is one of the few schools which provides art as a subject.

After entering, she was told about the school's Tennis club is the best if all clubs. When she was told to choose a club, she decided that since she was best at Netball she might as well continue. Training was only twice a week.

The next day, she was being looked for by her class president who was to bring her around. He found her after her math class when she was about to leave for art lesson. He had a straight face, not showing any emotions, and he also carried a tennis bag. Art lesson was in another building, so he decided to bring her for a short tour on the way there.

As she walked out of the class with him, she could feel many eyes on her and she had sudden goosebumps. Earlier she asked the person closes to her "Who is that stoic person with frameless specs?"

Kazuha replied saying "Tezuka Kunimitsu, the one who most girls like but can't get. He even have a fan club but couldn't be bothered."

Outside the class, he introduced himself in a monotone voice. "Tezuka Kunimitsu, class president, I'm to bring you around on your first day, a short tour to our next lesson, we should hurry."

"Hanazawa Hanae, new student." she replied jokingly with a smile. Without anymore words, he turned around and headed down the corridor with her following suit.

Along the way, he met Fuji, gave him a brief nod before introducing Hanae. FujI gave his usual smile and said "We're in the same class, I hope you do enjoy Seishun Gakuen Hanazawa-san."

"It's nice here I have to say, but it is only my first day so I can't say much" she wave goodbye As she caught up with Tezuka. "you should really speak more often, you are kind of dull like that." she remarked.

Nearby, there were some of Tezuka's fan girls following them, and thinking 'how dare she talk to Tezuka-sama like that, even I don't even get near him' Tezuka glance to where they were before they exited the building.

"Over here is the basketball court, and on this end is the tennis courts." he pointed to the right before to the open spaces where stood four courts on one side, another four next to it. "have you chosen your club yet?"

"Yep, I choose netball, wanted to continue since I have been at it for awhile for awhile now. Then Tezuka-san, what club are you in?" as they walked over to an adjoin building she looked side ways and search his face for some other facial expression but none in avail.

Finally they reached the studio, they were in time for art lessons. Entering the class with him was more awkward, as they took their place at the only available seats at the front left side.

During that lesson, they had to complete a acrylic painting of a fruit basket/still life. After she was done sketching the layout to be coloured, she took a peek over a his drawing as she made her way to get the paint. It was nice, but she could not help remarking "That's nice, but this part is a little off, might want to add more green." after she took the colours she wanted, she ask for permission to touch up on part of his painting, before continuing on her own. After an hour and half of art, they submitted their painting. He looks at hers, as he placing his next to it. During their lesson, since she was a right hander and him a left, their elbows kept hitting each other until she became annoyed and decided for them to swap places.

Visual art was the last lesson for the day. Since there was some time before both started their club, he brought her around. "Here is the basketball court, on the left is the tennis court-which I'd mentioned earlier- further up ahead is the indoor sports hall. The brown building at that corner is the library. The swimming pool is at the back of the compound." he points to a single story building next to the Arts block before pointing to a faint blue colour area at the extreme end. They walked back to the path between the main building and tennis courts, "If you would excuse me, I've got my tennis training now. Are you able to find you way back?"

"I think that I'll watch you play, if you don't mind that is." she did not really expect an answer, so she walked ahead. She stood outside the courts, watching as he played against a few Sampai-tachi. During his break, she whispered "Why do you play with your right when you are a left?" all she got in reply was a look glare before he walked away.

Shortly after, Fuji came over and greeted her. When Hanae asked the same question, he frown and told her what had happened: before she was in this school, Tezuka played against a few sampai-tachi and won, but he was not serious and he got hit in his left elbow by a jealous sampai causing an injury. He was close to quitting a had Oishi not stopped him. (AN, Fuji left out the part where both of them played.)

She looked back at Tezuka who was doing light swings, but this time with sadness in her eyes. Suddenly she felt a sudden chill and memories forcing themselves out of the box they have been locked in. Quickly, she waved Fuji goodbye before heading to the netball courts.

She enjoyed her club, training was tought but she made friends so it was better. Apart from friends, fan boys also started appearing. By her second year, she had a fan club and a main player in her team, she was not cut off to be a leader, hence she did not assume that role however, her teammates looked up to her for advise most of the times.


Please ignore any typo error, the auto-correct is annoying at times.

One advice, don't ever take art as an O'level subject unless you really really really love it. And really, don't procrastinate when it comes to exams. You'll regret it..

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