Bushra yawned the next morning hearing no sound coming from the room next to hers nor around the whole suite which means the couple left the house, good for them. She don't want to waste another day self wallowing, she shall see what is out there for her and get her daughter a lot more things. Oops, she totally forgot about buying souvenirs for the people back at home. Ya Allah, how could she be so centered in getting between Zara and Mika'il to think about the loving people back at home, so with that thought in mind, she stood up to write down what she wants.
Taking her sketchpad, she was about to write their names and what she thinks is the best for them when an idea of a gown came to her mind, she couldn't hold back when her pencil hit the white canvas. She drew the beautiful wedding ball gown she is sure to design for someone she loves, maybe Fayha or Kauthar. But Kauthar has already given her the contract of her own and the type she wants so this is definitely Fahya's for the girl likes extravagance and that gown is meant for someone who is as Fayha with great fashion sense.
A smile took over her face when she finished and kept her pencil aside staring at the now covered white canvas in dark pencil. Her eyes twinkle for she don't even know where the motivation came from, she just drew and thirty minutes later, she's made a wedding dress for her best friend. She meandered her eyes to the window next to the desk she is sitting on where a vast of land stretch acres forward with trees surrounding it. Maybe she should stroll around there later in the evening after going to the market? Hmm, she should definitely do that to avoid Mika'il and his wife.
She made her way to the en-suite and took a hot bath to sooth her slothful bones and give her new energy to go with the day. Just few more days, they will be out of there and she is so looking forward to going back to Nigeria. She never thought her time in New Zealand would turn out to be like that. What did Mika'il tell Zara about her not joining them? Did he lie to save her the humiliation or decided to be holy and told her the whole truth? She don't mind any, the girl has slipped from her mind so does the idea of fighting her. Her energy shall be put to something better from then henceforth.
Removing a spice slacks from her luggage which she hasn't unpacked and is not thinking about doing, she wrestled her legs inside then button the hook at the top just below her bellybutton. She searched inside for her neatly folded sandstone button up shirt with long sleeves and standing puritan collar. Seeing the clothes she is wearing are loose and comfortable for a married woman to roam around in, she took a silky veil and wrap in a classic style around her making sure her bosom is closed modestly. For a small woman, she has bountiful of those so closing them is always her priority.
For her feet, she removed a brown new pair of American made version New balance 990 series Murad bought for her recently and wore them. For her bag, since she only needs their money, New Zealand dollars, that Mika'il changed and gave her, she took Hilde Palladino belt bag that she strapped around her waist, she is going to shopping which means her hands are going to be too busy to hold money, besides, that is the reason she brought a belt bag. She sprayed a bit of Mika'il's love is in the air limited edition then left her room. Just like she heard, they are not there but they left her note.
'I don't like going without you but take care, I know you want to be alone so we are going to another beach on Queen's garden. Your breakfast is in the oven. I love you. Your Maan!' She felt a pang hit her chest but a smile took over too making her confused. Her husband is considerate, she can't say how lucky she is to have him as a husband even with stupid decisions a times.

RomanceCopyright© 2020. All rights reserved. The morning rays rose above the horizon. Sunlight streamed her bedroom through the gaps of the curtain lightening up the room with warm glow. She rolled over and gazed out the window overlooking the shines over...