Do you want to make me happy? Please comment on each paragraph, lots of love❤
Murad has been feeling this urge to go out there and meet up with Hanan and talk things out with her and it's been three months since the death of her sister and her husband, she surely is now calm. With that good intention in mind, he set out to go to the gym early just in case she arrives early or leaves, you never know. Taking out a basketball vest from his wardrobe, he threw it on then made his way out of the room featuring khaki shorts for his lower body. His gym bag is draped behind him, he has no wish to do any activity but he don't want her to know that, she doesn't have to.
What she's said the last time they talked really struck to him like an arrow and he could not stop thinking about it like a nightmare. She surely went through so much for she was on the verge of crying after reciting those words. It seems like she never bother to check out her past ever since it happened and he brought them out suddenly rendering her speechless and emotional.
"I do, I do, okay? You don't know what I've been through too in the past. Just because I'm called the spoilt brat doesn't mean I am not the one that went through the worst situations. You all just never understand, you always judge people base on what you see, hear and just what you want to believe. The story you have plotted in your head or the mindset you apply on someone you've seen from afar. I've seen something no one should, did something no one should and went through things I don't want my enemy to go through. So yes, I've had my own share of cumbrous times."
Those words haunt him to no end, he even dreamt about her three days ago so he set out for a clue, he needs the closure to help him move on. If this woman is going to keep haunting him in his dreams, he will have to do something to put an end to it or her. He don't like her so why is she having so much impact in his life like no other woman has done? Or maybe because he is never one to give women his attention talk less of them getting to his brain and mushing it up with misery and torment?! That has to do, she is no one special.
"Where are you heading to?" His oldest brother Mujaheed reacted to the question from his car wearing his whole military uniform like he needs to be somewhere urgent that early in the morning. He is a Major after all, he is needed all the time.
His brother sighed, Murad knew nothing good or pleasant is going to come out of his lips, he knew that, "We just got a report that our troops are already in critical situation, so I need to make new arrangement for the next troop to dispatch as soon as the signal is given. Don't worry, I will handle this, you don't need to be there and just rest." His brother assured after he was done voicing out his worries.
"No, you can add me in the next troop, bro. That is what I pledged to do, to save my country from any harm and peril. Where is Mujaddad?" He questioned knowing fully well that those two usually work together no matter the situation, he is a bit surprise that the other twin isn't there.
"Already at the military base, he is waiting for me. I'll make sure to add you in the next troop but you can still back out." And Mujaheed got into the car and fled out of the compound like he wasn't there to begin with. Those guys and their cars, Murad shook his head and made his way to his own navy blue Volkswagen Golf.
Arriving at the gym, he dismounted the car and made his way inside while praying to catch the petite woman amidst huge bulky men. He always wonder why she likes going to the gym when she is already so small, does she want to have muscles or abs? The woman has zero fat in her body, he is billion percent sure of that. He sighed, some women or should he rephrase that to women are never to be understood. Some are struggling to get the fat and some and busy working their asses off to make sure they have none, unpredictable.

Storie d'amoreCopyright© 2020. All rights reserved. The morning rays rose above the horizon. Sunlight streamed her bedroom through the gaps of the curtain lightening up the room with warm glow. She rolled over and gazed out the window overlooking the shines over...